Vent! Food and Illness

So I'm just frustrated right now and want to b**ch.
I'm sitting at my computer doing research for a college paper.
I'm eating Jello and Sweet Tea - very bad for losing weight.
Why am I eating this?
Yesterday I got wicked sick, and my stomach hasn't recovered. It's telling me to feed it then keeps threatening to make my like a living Hades if I feed it anything of true substance.

Sadly, I've noticed my stomach get less upset with simple sugars. Idk why, but sweet tea has always settled my stomach.

So all I've had to eat today is a PB+J sandwhich, twizzlers, jello and sweet tea and gatorade.

Im grumpy and hungry and actually hate putting the junk food in my system right now. I feel like this whole thing could throw my weight loss off. The DR said I should probably avoid any physical activity until monday. Monday! FML......