Slave to the Scale

I am having a terrible time with weighing myself every day! Does anyone else do this or have learned to resist the urge to do so?


  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I used to do it too, its going to take time but the urge will go away once you REALLY decide you want to be healthier not just a smaller number, remember the numbers dont tell you what you look like or how healthy or fit you are : )
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Every morning before I'm dressed. I know I shouldn't but I can't help it but it has made me realise that there are weight fluctuations that mean nothing. When I hit a 1lb gain recently I hid them for a few days...made it awkward for me to get to them but they've been reinstalled with me now understanding that there will be fluctuations day to day and not to take it too seriously
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I am a slave to the scale and have been for years! There some days when I don't weight due to I know I have or will overeat so the scale will be skewed due to salt/ sugar overload. I find it helps me to stay on track though. It's a physcial reminder of what I put in my mouth and how it effects me.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I am too. I tried to only weigh once a week (on weigh day). I was having so much anxiety about it, that I decided it didn't matter right now if I weigh every day (...or 3 times in the day). I have found that it kind of keeps me on track. If I am really wanting to eat, I will hop on. It encourages me to make the right choices.
  • kar74
    kar74 Posts: 49
    I'm the same way - weighing myself daily. There have even been mornings where I'll weigh myself 2 & 3 times. Sad, but true. I'm considering moving my scale somewhere else in the house or sticking it in the linen closet so I can resist the urge, but it does keep me on track. I think I just have a fear of going a week without weighing-in and finding I've gained like 10 lbs. because I wasn't doing a daily weigh-in. :tongue:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I weigh every day--I watch the fluxuations and try to pinpoint what I am doing that causes them.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I weigh myself most mornings but don't get upset if it fluctuates up and down a bit. I started weight training a couple of months ago and my weight loss slowed dramatically, but I didn't mind because my waist measurements kept decreasing while my arm and chest measurements started increasing, which meant that I was still losing fat, but muscle was taking it's place (yay!). As long as my waist measurements keep decreasing, I'm a happy boy!
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I have to agree with a previous poster! I find that weighing myself everyday helps me to stay on track =] I do it every morning after i pee with no clothes and then when i get home from work lol! I cant help it! I have found i lose about a quarter of a lb daily lol! But, it does help me to stay on track! seeing daily results it makes me plan goals for each day and actually meet them so i can see a difference in how much less my scale will say. Even if its not a significant difference its still motivation and encouragment!!! =] But everyone sees it differently.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    guilty. every morning before i get into the shower. i make sure i've gone to the bathroom and breastfed so i don't have any extra weight on me (ridiculous, i know). i even move the scale around the bathroom and re-weigh myself to make sure it's right. i've also found that the scale reads less once i've been up and moving around, so i re-weigh AGAIN about a couple of hours after i've woken up.
  • ActionJackson
    I actually want to weigh myself every day. It don't worry about minor weight fluctuations either but I track regardless. Its my job at work to keep track of my company's scales for commercial reasons. I just use my own body weight for a quick comparison. Coworkers used to joke about me breaking the very scales I was verifying. Considering the scales were rated for 10,000lbs I got a bit self conscious and would do my checks after hours. People ask for updates and congratulate me now that I am loosing. For me knowing I weight increased a tenth of a pound is a powerful motivator to stay on track.
  • kbc1983
    I am so glad to see that I'm not the only one! I also appreciate all the little tips :)

    I love this site more & more each day thanks to people like you all!!!!