It's taking so long...

ktyang04 Posts: 60
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
for me to lose 22 pounds. I started this journey at the end of March 2010. It's been 6 months. I am only averaging 3.67 pounds a month. Wow... but MFP only suggest me losing .9 pound a week... that is so little and even though I have my goal set on losing 2 pounds a week... it won't even allow me to... not even 1 pound...

Now I feel like it's going to take me forever to lose this weight and I am so close to giving up on everything especially when the biggest loser's drops 40 pounds in 2 weeks. :(


  • Don't give up!!!
    You can do it!!
    Can you lower your calorie intake and up your exercise time?
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    It depends on how big a person is starting dont seem very heavy so its not such a HUGE change for your body.
  • KarenBorter
    KarenBorter Posts: 1,157 Member
    Okay ... first of all you started at 180, the contestants on TBL are all over 200 lbs and some are close to 400 lbs. When you weigh that much the weight drops off faster. Also, men tend to lose much more weight then women. I would NOT use that show as a guide to how much weight you will lose.

    I am 5' 8" and started out at 180 as well ... not sure how tall you are. BUT you have lost 22lbs SO FAR! That is a great accomplishment. I just went to your profile and you don't have any friends added here! Since March? This site is so great due to the BUILT IN SUPPORT system. If you let "us" in we can maybe take a look at your food diary and see what's going on. Are you consuming at LEAST 1200 calories per day? Are you exercising? Are you eating back some of those calories? Are you watching your sodium level? Are you drinking enough water? Are you OVER Exercising? Are you drinking TOO MUCH water? Are you logging everything you eat? Accurately and honestly?

    I am going to shoot you an add request.
  • nalia08
    nalia08 Posts: 252
    I encourage you not to give up. You have to keep in mind that we actually gain weight at the same speed of loosing it. The only difference is you don't realize the weight gain until it's to late. Everyone wants to loose the weight at a quick instant speed, I am even guilty of it. I was hoping for a 2lb per week and mine also said 1lb per week. I thought that is crazy, I will do what I need to achieve that two. And now, after being a member, I am finding it hard to have a realistic meal plan that I can have as a permanent life style change. What you should do is find the foods that your body loves to burn and loves to hold on to.I found that for me, and like so many others, my body loves to hold on to salt, thus increasing how much water my body holds on to thus adding to the weight gain. My body prefers fresh veggies and fruit over the canned and frozen items, which are again full of salt. I lost my 9 lbs by reducing my salt intake. I also really reduced my bread/starch/sugar intake and have found other ways to substittue it. Don't give in to the urge to give up, see it as a challege to get creative!

    Also remember, the closer you get to your goal weight, the slower it will come off. You may want to re evaluate your goal weight and see if it is realistic.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    First - do NOT compare yourself to the Biggest loser folks. In my opinion what they do on that show is Unhealthy, Irresponsible and unnecessarily risky, and it sets unrealistic expectations for the rest of us. It is NOT normal to lose weight that fast. Slow and steady is better. The less you have to lose, the longer it is going to take. You're just going to have to accept this. Do not be disappointed! Is your goal to just lose weight or to get healthy? Hopefully it's to get healthy. Being at a healthy weight is only part of that! I encourage you to take measurements - they can be very telling. From Jan-August I lost almost no weight (I actually gained some then lost it back) but I lost over 3 inches around my hips and an inch around my waist!

    Keep working on HEALTHY eating - both quality and quantity wise, do reasonable exercising, drink lots of water and know that you are building habits that will make you healthier and stronger for life. If you keep doing this, weight loss will eventually occur.

    BTW - 22 lbs is a great accomplishment! You should be proud of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    First of all the Biggest loser contestants are morbidly obese and not something you should compare yourself to. Secondly, even though it seems like a long journey if you lost 0.9 pounds (basically 1 pound but I wont split hairs) you are much more likely to keep it off than someone who is losing 4 pounds a week.

    Up you activity, eat most of your exercise calories and unless you are trying to make yourself go below a healthy weight your body should take care of the rest. MFP just sets out what is advisable and achievable for goals, it is up to you to reach them or surpass them on your own!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    1. You are a small woman. I have the exact same problem you do. Because we are not large people, we cannot get the necessary calorie deficits through diet alone. You can only go so low on your calorie intake. In order to create the necessary calorie deficit to lose more than a pound a week, you must get aerobic exercise. I recommend tennis, swimming, and roller skating. VERY fun and a high calorie burn.

    2. It is better to lose it slowly. You will keep it off, and it's much easier on your body. This is a journey, not a quick fix. It's hard to be patient, but if you try to focus more on becoming as healthy as you can and getting your body into the best shape you can instead of focusing on the scale, you'll be much happier.

    Take care of you, eat as well as you can, move as much as you can, drink enough water, and have a little patience. The weight loss will come. :flowerforyou:
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    The biggest loser contestants are a) dealing with a lot more weight to drop, so it will come off quicker and b) working out for at least 3+ hours per day. They're not in true real life situations on the ranch (unless they don't have to work and could spend that much time at the gym). They're also in an environment where, while they may be fixing their own meals, what is provided for them is pretty controlled. Just watch - as they get closer to their goal weights, the weight will come off more slowly. How many weeks was Sam in the bottom 2 because he lost nothing or 1 pound towards the end of last season??

    Also, the weight didn't go on overnight, so it's not going to come off overnight. The more I read and learn, the more I realize that slow really is better when it comes to weight loss. You're far more likely to be able to maintain a healthy weight when you've gotten there slowly than when you crash diet.
  • Don't give up!!!
    You can do it!!
    Can you lower your calorie intake and up your exercise time?

    My calorie intake is set at 1,200 plus maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of my exercise calories. I do use a Polar HRM. I workout 4 days at 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then only Fridays, I workout for 2 1/2 hours. Besides, I am pretty active with my kids at home and I am also our Sunday School Children's church teacher so I am very active with them, basketball, gym, playground ect.

    I don't know how much more I can do.
  • 25anniversary2011
    25anniversary2011 Posts: 123 Member
    It didn't take you a short period of time to gain the extra weight, why would you give up because you don't think you are loosing it fast enough? It is not easy and it does take time. Reality TV is not reality! For anyone to loose 40 lbs 2 weeks is very unhealthy. You know the majority of those people on that show end up going home and gaining it all back.

    You have already lost 22 lbs. Do you not feel better about yourself for accomplishing that? I think that is great and you should be proud. Giving up is your choice but just think about how much better you will feel if you accomplish your goal, no matter how long it takes.

    Good Luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Okay ... first of all you started at 180, the contestants on TBL are all over 200 lbs and some are close to 400 lbs. When you weigh that much the weight drops off faster. Also, men tend to lose much more weight then women. I would NOT use that show as a guide to how much weight you will lose.

    I am 5' 8" and started out at 180 as well ... not sure how tall you are. BUT you have lost 22lbs SO FAR! That is a great accomplishment. I just went to your profile and you don't have any friends added here! Since March? This site is so great due to the BUILT IN SUPPORT system. If you let "us" in we can maybe take a look at your food diary and see what's going on. Are you consuming at LEAST 1200 calories per day? Are you exercising? Are you eating back some of those calories? Are you watching your sodium level? Are you drinking enough water? Are you OVER Exercising? Are you drinking TOO MUCH water? Are you logging everything you eat? Accurately and honestly?

    I am going to shoot you an add request.

    Excellent. I am, too. :happy:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    My calorie intake is set at 1,200 plus maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of my exercise calories. I do use a Polar HRM. I workout 4 days at 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then only Fridays, I workout for 2 1/2 hours. Besides, I am pretty active with my kids at home and I am also our Sunday School Children's church teacher so I am very active with them, basketball, gym, playground ect.

    I don't know how much more I can do.

    Do you drink enough water? Get enough sleep? Do you watch your sodium levels? What is the quality of your calories like? I find it's much easier for me to lose weight (and I feel sooo much better) when I ditch processed food (including sugars!) and fake diet food and eat real, healthy, homemade food and lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean proteins, etc.

    I believe that the closer you get to your goal, the more things like this can make a big difference. I know that even with 50-60 more lbs to lose, if I don't drink enough water my weight loss stalls!

    Just a few things to think about....
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    You are doing great - you just are you own worst critic and have to remember that the scale does not tell the whole truth. Muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're working out as well, you're building muscle as you lose fat and chances are they're cancelling each other out - so to speak.

    I started my journey in December last year: I have only lost 15lbs, BUTT (:laugh: ), I have built up more muscle since I started this more to tone, strengthen and get in shape than just lose weight. When I look at myself in the mirror, I don't really "see" the difference, until I get dressed and I'm putting on smaller sizes, and old clothes are fitting again and I'm not afraid to wear a waist length fitted shirt or sweater with a pair of tailored slacks. I have toned in places I never thought I would (I have a butt now, my back doesn't just fall into my thighs!), and last weekend when my fiance & I ran errands I was wearing short shorts and they looked good!

    Please remember that the weight didn't get there over night, it will not disappear over night. The slower you lose the more long term and easier it will be to maintain your new lifestyle. DO NOT go by the reality shows: they have someone monitoring everything they do, eat, breath, poop 24/7! Heck, if I had someone planning, making & serving ALL my meals I'd probably be a toothpick by now! You are human, and live a real life with work, family and de-stress time. You are doing this the RIGHT way, and you are doing well! 22 lbs is nothing to scoff at, that is REALLY AWESOME!
    Add me as a friend if you would like extra support & motivation: I know this journey is one of the hardest of our lives, but we CAN DO THIS :flowerforyou:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Don't give up!!!
    You can do it!!
    Can you lower your calorie intake and up your exercise time?

    My calorie intake is set at 1,200 plus maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of my exercise calories. I do use a Polar HRM. I workout 4 days at 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then only Fridays, I workout for 2 1/2 hours. Besides, I am pretty active with my kids at home and I am also our Sunday School Children's church teacher so I am very active with them, basketball, gym, playground ect.

    I don't know how much more I can do.

    Honey, you're doing GREAT. You had FOUR KIDS! I know there are women on this board who've had one child and would kill to weigh what you do! Staying active as you are is fantastic. You'll be fine.
  • shannonkk
    shannonkk Posts: 192 Member
    I had my 4th baby in march 2010, started back on here june 1st and have lost 18 lbs, sometimes 3lbs a month, im 5'7 and 172 now, as long as the scale is going in the right direction that is all tha matters, but I do get discouraged so I remind myself that I want to be healthy and this is the rest of my life. I don't want high cholesterol or blood pressure and I dont want to have the heart diesease that runs in my family.
  • My calorie intake is set at 1,200 plus maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of my exercise calories. I do use a Polar HRM. I workout 4 days at 1 hour and 15 minutes. Then only Fridays, I workout for 2 1/2 hours. Besides, I am pretty active with my kids at home and I am also our Sunday School Children's church teacher so I am very active with them, basketball, gym, playground ect.

    I don't know how much more I can do.

    Do you drink enough water? Get enough sleep? Do you watch your sodium levels? What is the quality of your calories like? I find it's much easier for me to lose weight (and I feel sooo much better) when I ditch processed food (including sugars!) and fake diet food and eat real, healthy, homemade food and lots of fresh veggies, fruit, lean proteins, etc.

    I believe that the closer you get to your goal, the more things like this can make a big difference. I know that even with 50-60 more lbs to lose, if I don't drink enough water my weight loss stalls!

    Just a few things to think about....

    I think I drink enough water. I fill up a 32 oz water bottle as soon as I get to work. Finish by 10:30, fill up again, finish by lunch time 12:30, fill up again, finish by 3pm, then last fill and finish by dinner time 6:30. This is 160 oz a day, sometimes I do skip that last one but still over 100 oz every day of pure filter water. I only drank soda maybe once or twice a month.

    I am asain, so I eat white rice and not alot of bread. I love vegetables, do alot of stir fry with ground chicken brease and mix vegetables... No oil added, I just use water. I season with lemon juice, pinch of salt pepper, no soy sauce, ect.

    I have Fiber One honey cluster for breakfast most days. Have grilled chicken salad for lunch. For dinner, I have 1 cup rice then chicken stir fry or lean pork baked. For snacks, I have yogurt, fruits, firber bar... ect.
  • Don't fret it.

    In my opinion weight doesn't, and will never matter, of course its good for keeping track of how you are doing, but we focus too much on weight and not enough of general health, right now I'm still very overweight, but I feel healthier than I have in years, I'm not worried that I've stalled a bit recently and I'm struggling to reach that 50lb off, I'm more happy because I don't want to catch that bus, I'd rather walk and I miss the gym if I don't go.

    That to me is the right direction, I'm not worried if I lose nothing next week, it doesn't phase me. If I do gain, then maybe I can tweak some things, but yesterday has gone, tomorrow is another day and today is the day I have to deal with :) we all fluctuate, don't panic so much if you keep on the good road you'll get there.

    Keep doing what you're doing, look to make small tweaks and keep smiling.
  • SP0472
    SP0472 Posts: 193 Member
    First - do NOT compare yourself to the Biggest loser folks. In my opinion what they do on that show is Unhealthy, Irresponsible and unnecessarily risky, and it sets unrealistic expectations for the rest of us. It is NOT normal to lose weight that fast. Slow and steady is better.

    I agree with this. At 340lbs even I didn't lose that much so quickly - I lost 2lbs this week. Am I disappointed?? Nope. That's 2lbs that I lost and didn't gain and that's 2lbs that'll never come back :)

    Hang in there. The rate you're losing at is healthy and is what is typical - lose too quickly, you'll have a better chance of gaining it back.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    You lost 22 lbs. in 6 months!!! That's awesome!
    I've lost 13 lbs. in the same amount of time. However, I only ever had 40 lbs. to my (maybe unattainable) "goal weight".
    I'd like to be down to 115 lbs. Realistically, being at 135 would be very healthy for me. I've always been a competitive athlete and built with a lot of muscle, so while I'd like to get to 115 lbs., 125 would probably be perfect.
    Either way, at my best eating, I lose about 0.7 lbs./week no matter what I do or how I change what I eat (eating more causes me to gain, eating less causes me to stall).
    Celebrate your loss and celebrate being healthy. The rest will come in time (maybe a lot of time).
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