What energy drinks do you use/recommend?

suppakana Posts: 307 Member
Normally when I need an extra boost of energy, I'll go for the Monster Rehabs. I think they taste pretty good, and for the lower calories I can fit them in...

... When I need them.

Which I will tonight.

Last night I messed up, big, and went to sleep at 9pm. Woke up at 3 this morning (an hour ago). I have a lot of homework to do before I leave for class at 11:30, so going back to bed isn't an option right now. After class gets out at 9:20pm, I go straight to work and get off at 7am. So right now I'm 1 hour into a 26 hour day. I'm going to try to avoid major sources of caffeine until this evening, when I hit around 15-16 hours.

Any suggestions on how to get through work tonight? (Should I say to-night or tomorrow night?)


  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,709 Member
    I dig Rockstar Pure Zero Punched. Zero cal and basically the same super taste of the original. Key is to do them sporadically so they maintain their effect, just like coffee. I consume like two a month and they give me that "edge."
  • suppakana
    suppakana Posts: 307 Member
    I dig Rockstar Pure Zero Punched. Zero cal and basically the same super taste of the original. Key is to do them sporadically so they maintain their effect, just like coffee. I consume like two a month and they give me that "edge."
    Thanks! I don't normally drink rockstars; I'll see if I can find one when I leave for class :smile: