Not a trained Athlete but BORED

TheNewJessieMae Posts: 767
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Ok so I have 4 Tae Bo vids and I LOVE THEM. I have a pilates vid and I love it. I walk and I love it. I lift weights and do abs after I walk and I love it.

BUT I AM BORED!!!!!!!!!! :yawn: Out of my mind bored with my routine.

I am not atheletic or a trained professional. I'm sure I can do more than I am pushing myself to do right now. I need help.


I will trade recipes for work outs!!! lololol


  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    I'm interested on what others say, I'm in similar position, getting bored doing same routines, plus think body has got use to the. As not seeming body change much !!!!!!!! Want a six pack !!!! Lol, good luck x
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