YAYOG calories for muscle mass

Onto the second month of insanity to reduce body fat and increase my fitness and body strength. Im not a big eater and and generally a skinny guy with belly fat. Im not counting calories (eating around 1800/2000) as I know most of my belly fat has come from eating to much bread, biscuits, chocolate bars etc so have cut all these out of my diet and seeing reasonable results with insanity.
My next goal is to follow YAYOG to increase muscle mass. But not sure how many calories to increase by. As im not a big eater I am thinking of a high calorie shake formula. Is 500 increase enough to build mass or maybe 1000 without all the fat coming back. Thanks


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I would start at 500 and see how it goes. Adujust as needed.
    While I think YAYOG is a great tool, I'm not sure the programming is the best to maximize size. I'm assuming you are following some of the pre-made workouts, which arent really geared for bulking. Try to pick levels that keep your rep range 12 or under tops. And some exercises down in the 3-6 rep range.
  • jb290978
    jb290978 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks. I would like to do the 5x5 strongs but access to gym and weights is difficult due to work commitments. I dont want to be a hulk but to just fill out a bit.