I've turned orange



  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    When I worked for a health food store we could tell the carrot juicers right off! I agree with seeing a GP and cutting back on the orange veggies!
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    A few years ago I was drinking something with a tsp. of cinnamon in it everyday and my skin started changing color. I do eat a lot of carrots too, maybe that's why I always look tanner than every one else.
  • caveninit
    caveninit Posts: 153 Member
    Same thing happened to me
    OMG.....too funny!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    Am I the ONLY one who saw this on The Magic School Bus?
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    This is too funny. You'll be totally fine, but I would definitely think about adding some different veggies to your normal rotation! Maybe throw in some eggplant, zucchini, cauliflower, cucumbers, green peppers, onions, etc along with smaller portions of your orange veggies!
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    Good to know.
  • harperjs
    harperjs Posts: 30 Member
    My husband and I were in the bathroom together last week and I noticed how pink he is and how yellow I am! I've been eating lots veggies, including spinach and carrots, which are both rich in vitamin A. Let's see how my carrot tan looks on the beach!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    After we're done w/ carrots...

    ...can we discuss the side effects of eating too many beets?

    (I almost went to the ER once upon a time because of that...)

    I know someone who DID go to the ER for that. Boy, was he embarrassed.
  • disneygallagirl
    disneygallagirl Posts: 515 Member
    No, thankfully, or I would've turned into a pizza.

    OMG, I just sprayed water all over my desk. ME TOO!
    +1 :laugh: or a chocolate bar
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    It happened to me when I was young, I eat a whole box of oranges and my skin actually turned orange. I can’t remember how long it took before my color when back to normal, sorry, My mother did take me to the doctor and rest assure, it is not harmful
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    *Raises hand* Guilty as charged.
    I used to have carrots raw as an evening snack, usually 2-3 large, and also some carrots in my dinner vegetables.
    My mother noticed when we were sitting down to lunch out during one of my visits. She found it quite funny and asked if I had been eating a lot of carrots.
    I eliminated the raw ones and it went away.
  • rhileyschubbygranny
    rhileyschubbygranny Posts: 145 Member
    wikipedia states it is harmless, has no treatment to cure it (other than to cut back on those foods), and that it will take months for normal coloring to return. It is common in babies when they begin eating veggie jar baby food.
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Other things can make your skin change too (such as liver problems). I would check in with your family MD [or NP :-) ].
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I wouldn't mind looking like I have a tan. I'm currently rockin' the Casper the Ghost look.

    I've been rocking this look for the last 6 years... love it? Stay tuned...
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    This happened to me. Which wasn't a good look because I'm pasty white and looked like I'd facemashed an oompa loompa. So I cut down my obsession with carrots :/
  • LauraFouhse
    LauraFouhse Posts: 115
    Loving everyone's posts and feel very affirmed in my orangeness. Glad I'm not alone.

    I'm really not worried about liver malfunction as I do not have any of the other symptoms of jaundice (ie my eyes are fine).

    And the orangeness does coincide with my newer healthier diet in which I would eat a small bag of mini carrots every day as a way of keeping my hand out of the jellybean bowl.

    I have already cut back and I have, gratefully, gone from florescent orange to a peach color. My favorite color is orange so maybe I need to embrace it.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    Two people have said they turned orange from eating oranges, but I didn't think that was possible...isn't it just a result of too much beta carotene? There's nothing in oranges that would do that, is there?
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Two people have said they turned orange from eating oranges, but I didn't think that was possible...isn't it just a result of too much beta carotene? There's nothing in oranges that would do that, is there?

    Oranges are full of carotenoids. So yes, possible. The nice smell of oranges comes from a carotenoids metabolite.
  • maggie64mfp
    Willy Wonka called. You're late for work again!
    laughing so much.
  • pobalita
    pobalita Posts: 741 Member
    This happened to me when I was a child. Apparently, I refused to eat any vegetable other than carrots. My mom took me to the dr. thinking that I had jaundice, but it was just too many carrots.

    When I look at old photos from that time period, I think I look more yellow than orange - kind of like a Simpsons character.