Hi I am new at this. How do people like it.



  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Love it new here but addicted :)
  • mamaspa4
    mamaspa4 Posts: 32
    I love it been on here a few weeks. I am down 20lbs since I started. My advise, make some friends you can add me if you like. Once you get a good group of friends to help you daily you should love it. Keeps you accountable and you can ask questions as you go.
  • PhoenixWithoutAshes1
    PhoenixWithoutAshes1 Posts: 99 Member
    It's a great program and to me it is the easiest one to use. Sparkpeople and others are way too cluttered for my taste. The MFP mobile app is good as well. I have have my best results with this program.
  • TexasThang
    TexasThang Posts: 2 Member
    I can truly say that My fitness Pal was my best tool for weight loss. It has helped me achieve my weight loss goal. If you get into the habit of using it everyday, you will lose weight. Don't forget to download the mobile app!
  • lemissavengenz
    lemissavengenz Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to this too, hoping that it will help me lose some weight. I think realizing how much I eat by logging it should help :)
  • HipsterWhovian
    HipsterWhovian Posts: 195 Member
    Hands down the best thing I've used for weight loss. You do need to be honest and motivated. This is my 3rd time on here, but I am more motivated than ever. I do find having friends on here makes a huge difference, as they support you and you can support them.
  • cfl68
    cfl68 Posts: 48 Member
    Changed my life. The continuous support from like minded people can't be over rated.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    583 logging streak so far.....love it and yep, I am losing
  • justifit
    justifit Posts: 26
    It keeps me on track!
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    I've used this, bodymedia, and caloriecount for long periods of time.

    I like MFP for entering food and tracking basic nutrition (you can get a complete breakdown on your phone but not the website. ridiculous) .

    Bodymedia is used with their device and they hardly had any common / everyday food in there database so 90% of everything was a manual entry and it's subscription. When it ran out, i looked else where.

    Caloriecount has a fantastic reporting breakdown of your nutrients online. 60% of common food was in there database, but 40% manual entries was still a pain. Their forums were less full of preachy, trolly, brofessory, and NO hot or not threads compared to MFP.
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    MFP has enabled me to meet my goal weight and maintain for over 6 months now. It has changed my health for the better and made it possible to be a healthy middle-aged person. While my siblings battle all types of health-related issues due to obesity, I feel better than I ever have and I was never even considered over-weight.