I'm not losing weight or inches.... HELP :-(

Can any help or shed some light?
I've been dieting for about six weeks now really focusing on what I am eating and I'm not seeing any change?
I am in between operations on my ankle so I can't exercise etc so it's diet or nothing. I stick to 1200 and as my ankle is bad am pretty sedentary.
I know sometimes it comes off in inches but I'm seeing no change. Not even cm!
I'm feeling really awful about it all. I hate it! I have the weight to lose I have 35lbs to shed somehow. I have a holiday coming up end of May and that's making it all feel much more pressured. I assumed I could lose 2lbs a week but nope!
My diet was awful for a while and I've really cleaned it up switching from white to wholemeal small bread and cutting down on that. Cutting out takeaways (although I do have the odd one instead of it often) I mainly drink water and have cut down my portions and snacks! With all this I thought I see some change? I feel awful. What am I doing wrong?


  • amiejonesstansbury
    amiejonesstansbury Posts: 2 Member
    I have cut carbs really low and seeing QUICK results. I try to stay between 20-25 carbs a day which is way under what myfitness pal recommendation is but I have lost 4lbs in the past 5 days. Seems weird but eating 6 strips of bacon has ZERO carbs, as well as scrambled eggs, ZERO carbs. That keeps me full for atleast 5 hours too. Try it out! Carbs are in everything though. Let me know if you need suggestions. I think you can see my food diary. Diabetic yogurt has 3 carbs, celery and CRUNCHY Jif peanut butter only end up being 7 carbs and that keeps me full. Chicken salad for lunch, I do a taco salad type set up for dinner, shredded lettuce with taco seasoned hamburger, shredded cheddar cheese and cut up tomato- less than 10 carbs. Chipotle burrito bowl, only 7 carbs without rice or beans. :) Just some ideas. Good luck!
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    If you aren't losing the most likely problem (since you can't currently exercise) is inaccuracy logging. Do you weigh your food on a food scale? Use measuring cups? Eyeball it?

    Also with only 35 lbs to lose a 2 lbs deficit is more aggressive than most here would recommend.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Would you be comfortable opening your diary for us?

    Do you use a food scale?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With 35 lb. to lose, 2 lb. per week is an unhealthy goal. Set your goal to 1 lb. per week. Around 20–25 lb., switch to .5 lb. per week. The smaller deficit will help you transition to maintenance.

    Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants