do u struggle with weekends an hangover eating?

emkoak Posts: 21 Member
I'm female 24 and need to lose just over a stone. I'm good all week then have a drink an the next day all I want to eat is bad food.I know what I'm doing but I seem to stil do it every time and then hate myself on Monday!
Anyone else like this?

Please don't say don't drink u won't have that problem because I don't drink.every weekend but this is the problem I have when I do. :-(
Also I have no friends on here yet so anyone similar to me please add me :-)


  • saralewis7145
    saralewis7145 Posts: 1 Member
    My advice is if you're going to drink, chug as much water as you can before you go to bed, and another glass as soon as you wake up. For me, this helps me feel less hungover in the morning, and thus less likely to binge eat on whatever is in sight. When I do wake up and want to eat something, I try to go with a "lesser evil" version of whatever I want to eat. For instance, if I want to drive through McDonalds and get a greasy breakfast sandwich...instead I'll scramble some egg whites with some bacon bits mixed in at home, and put it on a Bagel Thin with one piece of cheese. This usually runs around 350 cal, and fulfills the craving without breaking the bank for that day.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    YESSSSS This is me!!!!! Except I tend to eat a lot while I am drinking and have a hangover the next day!!!! I do great all week and totally screw up on the wekends!!!

    I made a bet with my husband that I can go the entire month of April without a drink and he would buy me a pair of Chrisian Louboutins I've been looking at!!!! LOL!!! Game on *****es!! LOL!!!!
  • AHill842
    AHill842 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm the same. Saturday nights I hang with my husband either catching up on shows or we go on a date. Saturday I have my cheat meal which usually ends up a cheat day. I eat clean all week and than mess up on the weekend. This exact topic has been on my mind.

    i am thinking about making a vision board and either keep it hung up or hang it up on the weekend so the images doen't get stagnant. Also, I 'm gonna ask my fitness buds to text me sunday morning to remind me this day is the start of clean eating week again. I can't ask my husband because I will just roll my eyes and get pissed at him. LOL. We will do this together. Set a reminder on your phone for sunday that it's a new day, I will do the same!
  • KatVarley
    KatVarley Posts: 534 Member
    Yes... I can relate to all you guys. I actually sometimes wish my weekend away to get back into routine... sad to be doing, I know. I don't have the answer or the magic pill. Just acknowledging here to the same sentiments. If anyone wishes to add me; I'd accept. I actually am relieved that this weekend is a quiet weekend for socializing and hoping it helps me not undo my whole week.
  • emkoak
    emkoak Posts: 21 Member
    I love the idea of the reminder on the phone maybe we could all remind each other too! When its just me I make excuses to myself about how I'm hungover so it's aloud!! Just kidding myself completely! the other half doesn't help!

    The shoes incentive is definitely a great one!

    Great advice girls we can do this! ...... :-S

    It's just nice to know there are others that have this problem!