cheat meals



  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I don't have cheat meals, or cheat days.

    I eat what i eat when I want to eat it, as long as I have the calories for it.

    I tend to eat chocolate everyday in some form!

    It wasn't until I learned how to do this that I became successful at losing and keeping my weight off.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I do cheat meals every couple of weeks or personal preference is to do this for just one meal not an entire day.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    And what constitutes something being labeled "junk". What does the weekend consist of?

    We are just arguing semantics. Obviously I believe my way of eating is fine, I have no shame in it. I've been doing it for years. The issue I had was I stopped logging and slowly crept my weight up.

    If I have a burger, chili cheese fries and three beers then log it, no biggie. If later I decide to have more than one serving of ice cream, and I log it, no biggie. Only reason I consider it a junk weekend is I never hit my protein macros, the carbs are insane. I don't care, to me it's worth it.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    I can't when I'm trying to lose because my TDEE is pretty low and one bad evening can kill my deficit for the week if I'm not careful.

    In maintenance, though, I do have meals/days/weekends every couple weeks or month where I eat anything that looks good without logging. But I'm pretty cautious about my logging other than that and it hasn't caused me to gain anything back yet.
  • Dsanders460
    Dsanders460 Posts: 12 Member
    I absolutely have cheat days! Friends invite me out to the casino and want to stop at Red Robin for dinner? You betcha! Generally I try to make the healthiest choices I can prior to the cheat meal to limit the "damage" to my daily caloric goal, and I will make minor sacrifices even to my cheat meal. Choosing the "lettuce bun" rather than the giant carb overload regular bun for example, and I refused an additional basket of fries...but I enjoyed every greasy cheesy drop of that burger, and savored each fry!