Sorta New!

ljmcf Posts: 98 Member
Hey all!

I'm sorta new in as much as I've had the app for ages, have used it on and off, but wasn't aware of the community on here (which I think is amazing!)

I'm a bit of a yoyo dieter - I was 14st 10lbs at one point (put 2 stone on in one year, and the rest pretty rapidly the next year - I consider my normal weight to be about 12st, I'm a comfortable size 14 at this weight). I managed to lose most of that, and got to 12st 7lbs. I have no idea what happened to my motivation after that as I jumped up to 15st 9lbs by the end of the year! So annoyed with myself as I was so close to being 'myself' again.

Since my high point of 15st 9lbs, I lost 2st 7lbs through healthy eating alone. I put 7lbs back on after a holiday, but am glad to say I have managed to maintain my weight, but now it's time to start bringing it down again. This time I'm using the gym alongside healthy eating and I'm hoping to make some big changes to my body - for good! My biggest fear is loose skin. I know there's lots of factors with this, but at 31 am hoping I'm still young enough to have a bit of snap in my skin!

At the moment I'm not doing quite as much at the gym as I should. I do, generally without fail, 1 body pump class and 1 body combat class a week. I try to do at least one more class, or have one more gym session. Not a fan of going myself though (which is ridiculous I know!) and sometimes it puts me off!

So that's me - looking forward to getting to know you all!


  • ruthtc08
    ruthtc08 Posts: 12

    I know the feeling... I weighed 130lbs when I married my husband 5 years ago and just let myself go. I have since then gained around 60-70lbs and I struggle to lose it. I have also had this app for a long time but just recently started to kick into high gear with it. I have started running/walking in the mornings (about a mile and a half each morning) then biking around 10-12 miles a day. I haven't seen any weight come off yet but I haven't weighed myself either. I refuse.

    I like to judge how much I have lost by the way my clothes fit.. and they still fit the same. But that's okay because it's one thing at a time. I have to convince myself that eating better and exercising every day (even when I don't want to) will help me get to my goal. I know you can do this! Be positive and feel free to add me if you need some motivation. :)

    Hope you have an amazing day and thank you for sharing!
  • MsBarb2013
    Hi everyone,
    I'm sort of new as well. I was last on here last fall. Well, I've struggled with my weight my entire life. As I'm getting older, it's harder and harder. I was just recently hospitalized for breathing problems. Diagnosed with COPD. I'm also diabetic. Sugars are out of control. I'm now on pills and insulin. Haven't smoked now for 11 days. Ugh!!!!! This turning a new leaf is so hard but I'm determined to make it better. I've been eating healthier and now have my kids and grandkids eating better as well. I have good days and bad. If any of you have similiar health issues, I would love to hear from you. Looking forward to meeting all. Have a great day!