Pregnant and not know it...what are your thoughts?



  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 802 Member
    I work in a hospital and have seen it happen. Not just teenagers but we also had a nurse who was pregnant and didn't ever know it.
  • Cudleigh
    Cudleigh Posts: 188 Member
    Yeeeah, I know someone's who's claimed this twice. The first time, she found out she was pregnant about a week or so before she went into labor. She's significantly over weight and was spotting the entire time, so I could maybe believe this. But then she did it again on her second pregnancy. Called her mum in the delivery room saying she thought she just had a stomach bug but actually she had a baby. She was 16 when she had the first kid, so it's possible she was just saying it to avoid punishment/shame/whatever? I dunno. Two times seems suspicious to me. Now she has 5 (or maybe 6? I can't keep count) kids at 26 years old.

    I think it's possible that someone not know for a while. It happens. But then I also think some people maybe aren't being too honest about it.
  • FrozenSongBird
    FrozenSongBird Posts: 3,892 Member
    It happened to me. I lost weight during my pregnancy (60 ish pounds) never had morning sickness, or any type of symptoms, I have always had irregular cycles so to me going months with no period was MY normal and no cause for concern... I never felt "off". I didn't feel her move until a week before I sound out. I was 29 weeks along. Every body is different. It does happen though.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I started throwing up and took a test before I even missed my period. The doctor couldn't understand how I knew I was pregnant so early.

    My cousin knew right away too. She had to wait to take the early tests and got a few negatives before she got a positive.

    Me, I had no idea.

    I have 2 family members (including my mother) that didn't know till 4 or 5 months because they continued to get a period. I had bleeding as well. I also did not show to the outside world till 6 months. Some people have irregular cycles. And early movement just feels like flutters.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I started throwing up and took a test before I even missed my period. The doctor couldn't understand how I knew I was pregnant so early.

    My cousin knew right away too. She had to wait to take the early tests and got a few negatives before she got a positive.

    Me, I had no idea.

    I have 2 family members (including my mother) that didn't know till 4 or 5 months because they continued to get a period. I had bleeding as well. I also did not show to the outside world till 6 months. Some people have irregular cycles. And early movement just feels like flutters.

    I shouldn't say I had no idea. I didn't know immediately. I also had spotting and thought I had started my period but when it wasn't as usual and I was feeling ill. That combined with the fact we were trying, I took a test.

    My sister also had spotting that was consistent with her period throughout her pregnancy. If I had not known that it probably would have been longer before I figured it out.
  • lizafava2
    lizafava2 Posts: 185
    I don't know how a woman wouldn't know! The movement of a baby is nothing like gas pain, or maybe I just carried vikings that liked to torture me from the inside. I can understand not putting two and two together for a couple of months but c'mon...

    Actually, a symptom of IBS and IBD is a "fluttering" feeling; I've gotten it, immediately took a pregnancy test, discussed it with my doctor, etc. Not pregnant. It feels like something is moving inside of you... sound familiar? So say this happens again, with me on BC: my immediate thought would then go to IBS, not pregnancy.

    Again: the body gets weird. It gets even weirder with pregnancy.

    Really?! That is super interesting. I am a midwife and have been pregnant four times and I am constantly mystified by this weird fluttering feeling above my pubic bone that feels like a 16 week pregnancy. If I had the kind of sex that makes babies I would be constantly freaked out by it.

    I have IBS. Never thought the two were related!

    ETA: I completely understand how a woman would not know she was pregnant. Women can bleed, lose weight, have anterior placentas, mellow babies and some carry their babes tight up against their spines. I have sent women to get u/s when their babies measured super tiny and the women looked barely pregnant only to get a report like this from the ultrasonographer: "well.... it appears that Susie is somehow hiding an average sized baby". Every pregnancy is different!
  • jameelutz
    jameelutz Posts: 1 Member
    Way to stir up a hornets' nest, Bobby! :laugh:
  • brboydjr
    brboydjr Posts: 43 Member
    Yeeeah, I know someone's who's claimed this twice. The first time, she found out she was pregnant about a week or so before she went into labor. She's significantly over weight and was spotting the entire time, so I could maybe believe this. But then she did it again on her second pregnancy. Called her mum in the delivery room saying she thought she just had a stomach bug but actually she had a baby. She was 16 when she had the first kid, so it's possible she was just saying it to avoid punishment/shame/whatever? I dunno. Two times seems suspicious to me. Now she has 5 (or maybe 6? I can't keep count) kids at 26 years old.

    I think it's possible that someone not know for a while. It happens. But then I also think some people maybe aren't being too honest about it.

    Did she not know she was pregnant the other 3 times either? :huh:
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    It doesn't make any sense to me because I seriously KNEW when I was 3 days pregnant. Wasn't exactly trying, but I just felt it. I guess some people are more intuitive.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    If you rarely have periods or if you have regular periods while pregnant and have an anterior placenta (the placenta is towards the outside of your stomach, which insulates the movements and make them harder to feel), have a long torso and or carry towards your back, you may not know. Plus if you are on some medications you may have fewer symptoms any way. Totally possible even without being overweight.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    OP: I REALLY don't see the point in bringing up such a personal topic for others to mock.
  • weightedfootsteps
    weightedfootsteps Posts: 4,349 Member
    I would have to say it is possible...some people still menstruate through their pregnancy...some have such weird cycles that they don't realize because they figure its just another case of not having a monthly.

    I knew both times..the first time I was relatively thin and saw the difference in my stomach...and felt every little movement, aside from the nausea that started during the first month.
    At 330 lbs. I became pregnant with my second child, I just knew right away. However, she was not an active child inside me. I never felt any major movements of any kind, the flutters could have been dismissed as gas. The only other sign besides menses not being there was the massive pain in my hips at all times from 4 mos. along and on. If I had not already suspected it/knew...I wouldn't have taken the test to find out...I even lost 30 lbs. during the pregnancy...but never really looked pregnant. Plus this child was a birth control and condom child...and I just had that feeling that it hadn't worked.

    Everyone's pregnancies are different. I don't see how a thin person wouldn't know as it would be quite obvious I would think..but a person that has a lot of fat, and has irregular menses...might not notice, especially if they haven't been pregnant before.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    I have had 7 kids (5 pregnancies) and known every single time within weeks of conception, i do not know how it is possible to "not know"
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Yup. My MiL went to the hospital with "back pains" and came home with her 6th child. She is apple shaped, so I guess it hid well?

    Seeing as her husband had had a vasectomy two years prior, it made for a real interesting conversation at the hospital, I'll tell you that! :laugh:
  • Cudleigh
    Cudleigh Posts: 188 Member
    Yeeeah, I know someone's who's claimed this twice. The first time, she found out she was pregnant about a week or so before she went into labor. She's significantly over weight and was spotting the entire time, so I could maybe believe this. But then she did it again on her second pregnancy. Called her mum in the delivery room saying she thought she just had a stomach bug but actually she had a baby. She was 16 when she had the first kid, so it's possible she was just saying it to avoid punishment/shame/whatever? I dunno. Two times seems suspicious to me. Now she has 5 (or maybe 6? I can't keep count) kids at 26 years old.

    I think it's possible that someone not know for a while. It happens. But then I also think some people maybe aren't being too honest about it.

    Did she not know she was pregnant the other 3 times either? :huh:

    She knew about the others. Third time's the charm, I guess. I swear every time I talk to her, she's pregnant again. I can't imagine having that many kids. 0.o
  • srr728
    srr728 Posts: 549 Member
    DENIAL and or other issues

    Ive worked in labor and delivery for 15 years, you know when there's a parasite growing inside you
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    DENIAL and or other issues

    Ive worked in labor and delivery for 15 years, you know when there's a parasite growing inside you

  • It is very possible to happen. It happened to a serving British servicewoman who gave birth in Afghanistan a few years ago

    This articles quotes a study which found one in 600 mums-to-be are unaware they are pregnant until they give birth, or just before.
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
  • lorarte
    lorarte Posts: 56 Member
    I worked with a girl who was fat around the middle and went into hospital with tummy pains, she collapsed at work. She was being treated for infertility at the time and had a pregnancy test every few weeks, each one was negative and they were really disheartened about it..
    The emergency Dr ordered a scan, suspected a tumour, and found an 8 month pregnancy, the baby arrived four weeks later in perfect health.

    this girl had treatment week in, week out from various specialists and none of the tests showed she was pregnant and because the baby was pressing on her spine, she couldn't feel anything in her belly. Rare but true.

    Edited to add, I had periods for the first six months of my pregnancy with my son, he was fine and so was I, just one of those unusual things. Dr kept saying I couldn't be pregnant, but I knew I was lol.