Looking for help along the journey....

Hi, I am a 33 (soon to be 34yr) wife and mom to one. I have packed on the pounds in that last 5 years but especially in the last year. After I had my daughter I actually had lost quite a bit of weight (thanks to breast feeding). We have been trying for over a year to have a second child and are currently going through fertility treatments. This past year of TTC has really been hard on me, physically, mentally and emotionally. Every month that went by that was unsuccessful I would turn to food, which did not help as you all know.

I work FT and have also had a hard time carving out more time away from my daughter to go work out at the gym.

I am also a shortie - 5'2.

But I am ready. Things NEED to change. I do not want my struggles to be passed on to my daughter. And I want to do things with, I want to take her swimming or play with her on the playground without feeling self concious.

Please add me if you like. If you are on a similar journey and want to be supported and give support.



  • ruthtc08
    ruthtc08 Posts: 12
    You can do this! First step is tracking what you eat! That will help you in more ways than one. Next try finding fun things to do with your daughter that will help you be active. If she is old enough to ride bikes do that or even walk with her in a stroller or whatnot. That way you can have more time with her instead of without her. Plus you are showing her how to be healthy herself!
  • AmbitionPerfection
    Hello !
    I don't have any children yet, but I can totally understand what you say about being able to play and be with your daughter. I know I want to have kids but at the same time I don't want any before being physically healthy enough to fully enjoy motherhood.

    I'm adding you, I have 75lbs to lose so I'll be here for a while too, I hope we give ourselves support !
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    One day at a time...and when you achieve succes with that day....KNOW you can do it again the next day!!

    More than happy for you to add me...