

  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    I'm in!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Was finally able to do squats again! Now that I'm doing them the correct way (thanks to the video!) I was all kinds of sore for four days. I didn't walk, I waddled. Feel the burn!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm behind a few days on squats and almost all the days on crunches...gonna catch up on squats thru today and then this weekend i'm gonna bang the crap out of the crunches....i want to at least get caught up thru the weekend on both....
    how is everyone else doing???
    been kinda quiet on here....
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    anyone out there?????
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    My total so for in squats is 645. I am on track so far. I am not doing the crunch part though.

  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm here...just behind a bit.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i too am behind but i am trying hard to catch up...today is the 13th day of the month so if i was doing 65 of each a day i should be at 42% for each....i'm at 28% for squats and only 2% for crunches....time to drop and give me 20 lol a whole bunch of times....i hope by this weekend i can catchup to at least 50% since that would make me half way through the month.....who is with me???
    anyone still doing crunches and squats????
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm still here and working at it! Determined to finish the challenge out! We can do this!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Squats are turning out to be no problem....the ab work, though... sheesh!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    is anyone here still????
    anyone doing crunches and squats????
    i'm definitely behind but will do my best to catch up....doing everything else right, just cant see to get this challenge in check....
    hope everyone is doing well
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i just did dropped and did 30 squats...shiattttt, it has been a few days and my quads/hamstrings are singing....gonna get in more later....
  • Brittany689
    I want to try this challenge.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm on my way!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm pretty sure I can finish the squats...but need to double up the crunches! Crunch time?
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    This is a great challenge. Let me know if you plan on having a challenge in November.

    Congrats to everyone who accomplished the challenge and those who tried! :flowerforyou:

    Have a Healthy Day!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i lost my way this month...think i will roll it over into november...we can start over or if you started but didnt finish and want to JUST finish in november please feel free to join us....
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    i lost my way this month...think i will roll it over into november...we can start over or if you started but didnt finish and want to JUST finish in november please feel free to join us....

    I think you should start a new challenge for November because you're going to keep trying to catch up from October. Then if you dont, you're going to feel guilty. This way you get a fresh start. Good Luck either way! Im cheering for you. :cry: :drinker: (water)
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Anyone still with me? I think it's an all crunch weekend here!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I want to finish! I'm in the 60% range of completion, but getting a "D" isn't good enough for me. I will be kicking myself if I don't finish this challenge, and the only thing stopping me right now is my addiction to the computer and laziness. :laugh:

    Let's try to finish this challenge with a bang!

    What are we going to do for November? Crunches and lunges?

    EDITED TO ADD: OK, just spent a solid 30 minutes working on the goal. My thighs are aching, I'm sweating, and my heart was pumping like a pro. Phew! Now I'm up to a "C" in squats and "B" in crunches. Must get "A++++++++++++++++++++++"!