Sugar-free redbull question...

slimmingsiobhan Posts: 54
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Do you guys find caffeine helps, or hinders weight loss?

My little 'un is teething right now & I've been drinking quite a bit as for 4 nights Ive had on approx 3-4hrs sleep and I'm exhausted.
Drinking my water too, but just don't wanna drink it if it's gonna have an impact on my diet overall xx


  • eharvey
    eharvey Posts: 32
    I live off the stuff so I see no issue. Probably gonna end up wth brain tumors and stuff but I nelieve it helps
  • EmmmyK
    EmmmyK Posts: 21 Member
    When you are sleep deprived, weight will rise..As far as the SF Red bull I think its OK. But if your noticing a change in your weight try only having a few a week..

    Good Luck

  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If your drinking an engery watch the ingredents. Just because it is sugar free does not mean it wont cause other problems like cravings. That will definatly cause problems with weight loss and the chemicals in it. Just like diet pop. Will cause you to be bloated and hold onto water. Try tea with caffine. If you do decide to try is how it works for you
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    You are going to get a lot of different answers.

    (1) Caffeine is a stimulant. So people will tell you that it will stimulate your appetite. But caffeine is in a lot of OTC weight loss aides as an appetite suppressant. So who knows?

    (2) Caffeine makes you pee. Because of that, for a long time it was thought to be a diuretic. But it turns out it isn't. It's more like an on switch for your bladder. You take it, you pee whatever is in there very soon after. But you don't pee more in a 24 hour period than if you hadn't had caffeine. So over all it has no effect.

    (3) Caffeine gives you energy. Except it turns out that in some study of people who consume a lot of caffeine, they found out that they woke up in the morning with less energy than if they hadn't taken caffeine and the caffeine just brought them up to where they would have been if they hadn't taken it the day before in the first place.

    (4) Caffeine enhances athletic performance. This appears to be a contradiction to #3, but it isn't really. If you don't use caffeine all the time, taking some while engaging in endurance activities (such as running, cycling, swimming, etc. for long periods of time) does enhance performance. If you ingest it constantly, then you lose that boosting effect.

    For me, I don't consume it regularly for a variety of reasons, but only use it to give myself a boost when working out for two hours or more (and often only while racing). But when I do consume it -- say they are out of the decaf tea at work -- I don't notice any impact on my calorie consumption one way or another.
  • Thanks guys. I'll manage my intake either way! Interesting though thanks for the answers xx
  • Have never tried Red Bull, am leery of those over hyped super drinks. Nothing beats water for thirst. At night I heat a cup of water
    to have a change of pace. Warm water in am goes down better than cold for me also.
    Keep on track you will do fine.
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