Tips and/or Tricks for suppressing hunger?

So I am just not getting used to this portion control. I can still eat the foods of my choice just as long as I do not eat a ton of it. But how the heck am I supposed to not be hungry! I feel like I am always munchie hungry. I went from being able to eat half a large pizza to myself in one sitting to eating normal sized portions 3 times a day to stay under my 1750 calories a day. This is so hard! Any tips and/or tricks to suppress the hunger?


  • monicapatituccijones
    monicapatituccijones Posts: 68 Member
    One thing that has worked for me is to ask myself whether I'm really hungry or just hyper-focused on food. I wait 30 minutes. If I'm truly hungry, I can eat then -- small, low-calorie snacks. If I'm not really hungry, it'll pass if I distract myself.

    Also, be sure to add snacks into your day. I can put off eating if I know I'm scheduled for a snack in 40 minutes anyway.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Fiber helps, especially fibrous vegetables with very few calories. Anything that is not calorie-dense and has more volume will make you feel more full. Protein is also satisfying, so get some of that every time you eat too.

    And WATER. Drink more water. When you think you're drinking a lot, drink more. Have a glass of water before every meal or snack. That's the biggest help.
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    If I start feeling hungry I drink a glass of water before I eat anything and then wait about 15mins. If I am still hungry I will grab a little snack. Also, I still eat some of the food I ate before but in moderation and as more of a "treat" and not apart of my new lifestyle. I find snacking on fruits keeps me full longer. I also read somewhere that if you feel like binging to take a moment and count down from your current weight to your goal weight as a way to mentally resist the urge. I have tried it a few times and it really works as it puts a little perspective on things. Hope this helps and best of luck.
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    ditto on trying water first... you know what they say "you might just be thirsty" I would try that first.
  • DesdemonaRose
    I keep low fat snacks in the house for these occasions, and eat slowly. If you eat too fast your brain doesn't register how much you are eating correctly and you eat more before feeling full. Agree with the protien thing too, small cheese snacks are great if you are not avoiding dairy. They fill me up better than anything and I can eat less than 100 calories.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    I struggle a lot with hunger. I think it is a huge factor in how I got so overweight and why I have had such a hard time taking the weight off. I almost get panicky when I am hungry.

    The biggest eye opener for me is realizing - Hunger is not an emergancy. Say that - repeat it to yourself. Hunger is NOT an emergancy.

    Eat fiberous veggies. I used to take a supplement - Glucomann. It is a fiber pill - so if you take it be careful and drink plenty of water!! Fiber = poo. But this fiber expands and helps fill your tummy a bit.

    Water. Drink water. I also add a bit of juice to my water. I do about a 1:5 ratio of juice to water. That helps me a LOT.

    Lastly - if you ignore it, it will go away. ASSUMING, of course, that you are eating your calories and getting fiber and protein, etc. ASSUMING healthy balanced eating and you are just hungry at inconvenient times when you are not ready for a meal or snack - hunger at those times will go away if you just go do something else and don't think about it.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Ditto increasing water & fiber. Also, how are your protein & fat levels? I find that I my fat levels are too low I get really munchy... & not for nutrient-dense foods, either! A handful of nuts usually solves that problem ????
  • mlt2908
    mlt2908 Posts: 123 Member
    Drinking green tea helps me....or water. Sometimes just the fact of drinking something and waiting a bit helps me determine if I am just craving something, bored, or truly hungry.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    I drink when I think I'm hungry. Water, tea, and coffee keep me from snacking too much.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    When I feel hungry I always drink a huge glass of water (crystal light included :P)
    And always before and after every meal.
    So I pretty much always feel full unless I actually need food.