a different zone

I was challenged to try the zone diet and after multiple explanations of what it is not...40-30-30 throughout the length of the day, I've decided that what I've found in the crossfit library seems wasteful. If all I eat is 2 tablespoons of avocado why bother since the rest is going to turn brown and undesirable? On the one hand I've managed my weight for 18 months now but on the other hand what if I'm missing out on something better than all around health by not trying this zone thing? Is there a less sciency way to achieve the same thing? I couldn't decide on three strawberries or four this morning...that is no-go thinking as it's in the 2 steps backward mode for me. Is there a happy medium zone that doesn't require a calculator?


  • Health_Temple
    Health_Temple Posts: 93 Member
    I have no idea what the zone diet is but if its so restricting that your having trouble starting it, it's not very attainable for the long haul. Lifestyle changes are best not quick fixes. If your eating 3 strawberries or 2 tbs of avacado looks like a waste of food and anorexia to me. A Cup of strawberries is about 50 calories. So 3 is maybe 15.

    This is your body, and what you do with it is your choice. However I would suggest being healthy instead of fad dieting. What is it your tryin to achieve? Perhaps you need to increase your calories if you have been maintaining, because 1200 is a deficit for most people and to maintain is higher. If your doing crossfiit I would think your calories should be more, I have no idea where your Calories are currently but I'm trying to answer with what knowledge I have about your sitch.