Which fitness tracker?

I was thinking I'd like to get myself something like a fitbit or whatever it is people use these days to track their fitness. Most importantly, I want to figure out my TDEE to reasonable accuracy, and from there be able to find out how much more I'm burning on days I feel like I'm really active.

My formal exercise regime is 30-45 minutes of weight lifting 2-3 times a week (NROL4W) which is starting to include some interval training, but as it's getting nicer out I'm going to do a lot more walking, hiking, swimming, etc. It's not important that the device be accurate within a defined period of exercise, but more that it's accurate over the course of a day or week (including sleeping time.) I don't have a *huge* budget but I may be able to ask for this as a birthday gift :)

There are a lot of debates on the forums here over which device is the most accurate, and I think it comes down to the individual person, so does anyone know which one would work the best for me?