Stopped losing weight when I started exercising

So last year I lost about 35 pounds just from changing my diet... No exercise at all besides going for walks. I hit a plateau at 155 and after 2 months of not getting anywhere I fell off the wagon and gained 10 pounds back. My weight has consistently been at 165 ever since.

About a month ago I really started to watch what I was eating again and are between 1200-1500 calories a day. About 2 weeks ago I strayed to really watch it and have been eating 1200 calories a day. Also, 2 weeks ago I started C25K and so my 1200 calories have been NET calories. I've also been walking my dog for about 30 min each day and have been doing 30 min on the stationary bike about 3x a week.

In the last month I have not lost even a half of a pound and since I started to do C25K my pants have actually gotten tighter. I'm very careful about how I log my calories. I weigh all of my food and if I have to guess with a food I look up on MFP (if I eat out) I always choose the higher calorie option or add an extra third or half just in case it isn't accurate.

Any suggestions? I appreciate ANY advice. Thank you!


  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    Maybe you're eating back too many calories? Are you sure of your burn? Personally I only log 1/2 the time I exercise.