Lost my UMPH, help!

Hey all.

I'm not new to this weight-loss scene, or MFP. Been on MFP for years, been yo-yo-ing for years.... Seems like every time I bust my butt for a month to drop two pounds, I gain it back in ONE WEEKEND of not going to the gym and a few beers.

I'm SO FRUSTRATED that it literally takes 2 hour workout per day, 1300 calories per day of nothing but whole foods for me to get tiny results in a month and then POOF they're gone in a few days of slack. I have no elbow room! Merrrr


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    try structuring a plan of your week. plan an hour for exercise per day, plan your meals. stick to it and repeat the next week. Keeping records is great add planning in advance will be even better. don't get discouraged be patient and be consistent.
  • thecheesybrie
    thecheesybrie Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks, that's a great idea. Meal planning and tiny goal always seems pointless (with the larger, long-term goals in mind) so I will give that a try. I'll probably be more satisfied if I set little goals anyway :)
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    If you truly are eating only 1300 cal per day, then you should be losing weight.
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    It's a pain in the *kitten*, but I agree with the weekly meal & training planning. I try and sit down and do it on Sundays - I actually have a calendar thing (search google, you'll find a million templates) that I write it out in, and then put it on my calendar online. That way, it follows me everywhere, and I have no excuse for not being prepared.

    I think it helps to be aware of where your biggest pitfalls are. If you know you're going to indulge at happy hour with friends, plan to compensate the day before or after.

    Good luck!
  • shmooser
    shmooser Posts: 2 Member
    I log my intake ahead of time. That way I know where I'm at for the rest of the day and how much room to wiggle.

    I also went to Pintrest and downloaded all sorts of Inspirational posters and put them up in my exercise room so I see lots of great motivational stuff every morning when I work out. It's made a world of difference.
  • shmooser
    shmooser Posts: 2 Member
    Oh . . .and happy hour now consists of Vodka and soda instead of wine!
  • juliejuliejulie1961
    juliejuliejulie1961 Posts: 1 Member
    Am not losing weight on 1300 a day says I should be 10 lighter
  • Sharsou
    Sharsou Posts: 8,849 Member
    I reckon instead of looking at the bigger picture, just break your journey into small milestones. This will give you the satisfaction of achieving ur milestones and, will keep you motivated!