New mom looking to lose 50 pounds

Hey everyone you can call me Jaz and here's some info about me. I gave birth to my daughter Feb 4th. Weight loss has been on my mind even way before I got pregnant. I've struggled with my weight for a long time. The only time I ever lost weight was when I overheard relatives talk and say I looked like I was 3 months pregnant at the age of 12! I starved myself back then...and the next time I saw them their comments changed. Starvation is never an option and I want to be able to prove that to my daughter as she grows. Post-baby I last weighed in at 205. I hope to lose 50 lbs and finally feel great about myself for once. Its been kind of a struggle because I lack motivation, I am also broke so I can't afford any equipment at the moment. I also lack motivation despite the fact that I wanna lose weight and I know my daughter should be the thing to push me. The thing is consistency for me, and I feel like I'd need someone to push me to do it, kind of like a coach. I'm looking for a realistic approach to losing weight, but I also wanna lose weight fast. I know I can't have it both ways but yeah. I just overall don't know how to do this.


  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 423 Member
    Hi there...I'm a mom of a beautiful 4 year old boy and totally understand where your coming from! It was a struggle for me to get that baby weight off, but I did it! I'm back to lose a few before bathing suit weather starts and would love to help in any way I can. Feel free to add me if you like!
  • Thanks :) and it's like one of the things I wanna finally do is wear a skirt or actual bathing suit and feel beautiful for once in them. I usually swim in a tshirt and trunks. Shopping isn;t my favorite because I always see these beautiful clothes but when I get around to try them on or check if they have my size they don't fit or don't have a size for me, so i get stuck with baggy clothes.