Gamer looking to befriend fellow gamers!

jon830 Posts: 20 Member
Hello everyone! I've been on and off this website for a while. It seems like every time I've tried to get in shape, I would fail. I've come to realize it may be due to lack of support at times. So I'm looking for fellow gamers (and non-gamers as well) to befriend in order to build a solid support group on here. I'm looking to drop a substantial amount of weight, so I won't be going away anytime soon! lol It'll be a lengthy journey, but it will be rewarding once I reach the end. I mainly play on XBox 360/XBox One and stick to FPS for the most part. Looking forward to get to know everyone :) best of luck to you all on reaching your goals!!!


  • phyter25
    phyter25 Posts: 3
    Me too, i just got back on. Looking to add people who are gamers, people who dont game are ok too. Hope you reach your goal.
  • FaithfulJewel
    FaithfulJewel Posts: 177 Member
    Good luck!

    I have a X360 and am looking at "borrowing" (yeah, like she'll ever get it back) my Mum's Wii so I can use the balance board.

    Do you have a kinect? If you want to up general "doing" movement, having 15 mins on Kinect Adventures or something is better than nothing! Or just stand up when you play/sit on a medicine ball. Can't manage that one myself due to back problems, but I heard it's good - treat of a game, while burning a few more cals than sitting down!

    Feel free to throw me a FR. I say random stuff, but I try and be supportive too.
  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    FPS player (PC) who has lost 21 Kilos
    You can do it!
  • bomftdrum
    bomftdrum Posts: 270 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love me ps4. I just finished Infamous Second Son. I am mainly a sports or rpg gamer. I am terrible at fps. Support really is key to lose weight. Everyone has their days where they want to slide. A little bit of encouragement goes a long way.
  • Eastern_Echo23
    Eastern_Echo23 Posts: 198 Member
    Yo! I play classic shooters like Rainbow Six and Medal of Honor, as well as, sports games like the Show and NCAA and I also like to play some other games like Final Fantasy, Dead Space, Bio Shock etc... we can be friends
  • coolblondenerd
    coolblondenerd Posts: 90 Member
    I'm mainly a PlayStation girl, although I do own an Xbox. I just finished Stick of Truth and my favourite games are Portal, Mass Effect (I still have to finish 3. Stuff keeps happening whenever I try to play that!), and Skyrim. I'm a Bosmer who favours the bow. I've also played every generation of Pokémon and will never stop. I don't care if I'm 26!
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    I'm mainly a PlayStation girl, although I do own an Xbox. I just finished Stick of Truth and my favourite games are Portal, Mass Effect (I still have to finish 3. Stuff keeps happening whenever I try to play that!), and Skyrim. I'm a Bosmer who favours the bow. I've also played every generation of Pokémon and will never stop. I don't care if I'm 26!

    Tell me you played Portal 2 as well!! awesome games.

    Im a PS3 guy when i get a chance to play..currently replaying the Last of Us again to get all the stuff I missed the first run through.

    I love FPS but I suck tremendosly at it these days. Used to do fairly well in Counterstrike and Team Fotress. I was also big into MPORG's but again time time time.

    Anyone can feel free to add
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    Check out Nerdfitness, too, they have a great community of nerdy folk and various game-style challenges :)
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Hubby and I play Battlefield 4, on PS4.
  • TDiaz214
    TDiaz214 Posts: 108 Member
    Anyone can feel free to add me too, right now I mainly play FPS games like CoD/Crysis and Fifa Soccer on ps3.
  • StarGeezer
    StarGeezer Posts: 351
    There's a group for that! :laugh:

    I'm on PSN and XBL as StarGeezerTim, feel free to add me. I don't play many shooters, but did just finish inFAMOUS: Second Son on the PS4, great game.

    Welcome and good luck!
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Oh man, I'm a huge gamer. Steam, PSN, a little bit of Live (although not recently I'm afraid). I also write for a horror-gaming enthusiast website, so scary games are my favourite. Feel free to add me :D
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Yo! Pretty sure I've logged over 9000 hours in Skyrim the past two years...
  • LosingItWithGod
    I own a xbox 360 and a wii- Mario cart rocks. I also play secondlife online.