saying hello and some info on me

Hi, nice community here. I am pretty new, and struggling. MFP set my calories at 1230, I was aiming for 1200.. same difference I guess! I am female, mid 40s, menopausal, 5'4" and 210 lbs. I have never been this high weight although always overweight . I quit smoking and turned to food as my new addition, I believe. Instead of my usual cigarette, I eat over and over. I compulsively eat, and I'm trying so so hard not to Early evening seems to be the worst! I do well for a few days, then I slip, like last night I ate 1800 calories, I know it could be worse, technically I ate more but was able to take off 300 for exercise, but still, it's over what I should be doing. I know we all slip and just pick myself up, but it happens again a day later.

I am working on this everyday and I don't necessarily need advice, I mean, I know what I will be told " don't overeat, go get counseling", etc., I read it all. I have read many articles telling me to do something else, anything else, chew gum, drink water, take a walk, call a friend.. I don't seem to have any certain trigger except that it's always late in the day when I feel this way. I'm not hungry, just having cravings, cookies, cake, chips, ice cream, sometimes even overeat healthy foods..

I know I'm not the only one but I am tired of what I see in the mirror and I need to change.


  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    Hello there! MFP can be a nice community if you surround yourself with the right people. :)
    I'm Amanda. I'm 22 years old, mother of 1 and looking to get down to 120 pounds. This isn't my first time losing the weight...I've lost 50 pounds in the past successfully. I got pregnant with my beautiful little girl, and of course postpartum was hell. Even though I nursed for a few months, I was put on Paxil which made me gain a good hunk of my pregnancy weight back. Then I was put on hormonal birth control which didn't make me gain, but I sure as hell couldn't lose. Long story short, I'm no longer medicated in any way, shape or form, and am getting back on the horse. I'm pretty active on here, and with my friends list, so you can add me if you want! Always good to have the social aspect of it. Welcome!
  • CLDeyette
    CLDeyette Posts: 28 Member
    Hi applepie! I feel your pain, I too just quit smoking and I am 5'4" 204lbs, 51years old and Meno as well. You are not alone in any way shape or form. Feel free to add me as a friend and maybe we can bolster each other.