Very motivated, finally!

So, I've been wanting to introduce myself for a couple weeks now, but just haven't gotten myself to do it. Here goes: I've been on the site for a couple weeks, and I was introduced through the android app. The app is great and I've used it to track calories pretty diligently. I've really enjoyed checking through the "success stories" section of the forum and hope to add my own in the (hopefully near) future.

Here's my story. I'm 30, married to a great woman and we have a great and energetic 2.5 year old daughter. When we were married I weighed 165 (I'm 5'9") which was a good weight for me. I struggled with gaining weight even in college but never got above 182 or so. Quickly after we got married I put on about 20-25 pounds in the first 6 months. I then slowly put on another 20 or so pounds until I topped out at my all-time high of 212 January 31, 2009. My new years "resolution" was to lose 40 lbs this year and I did drop 10 right away (first month) but slowly lost interest after that. I joined a "boot camp" at work in June and I started to get in better shape, but did not lose any more weight. My family is going to Mexico right after Christmas for a week so that was a little bit of a motivator for me to start losing weight and getting healthier, but for some reason, something just clicked at the end of August and I decided that no matter how hard it was, I was going to lose weight and achieve a body that I'm proud of. I still don't know what weight that will be, maybe 155, maybe 160, maybe 165, but I know that I'm not going to give up this time and let my progress disappear again. I'm very confident that I will be able to make it, but it is nice to have the extra support that you all provide as well.

Thanks for the positive messages that you have sent to others and thanks in advance for all the encouragement I know that you will extend to me as well. I may not post a ton, but I look forward to being a positive influence to others on this forum as well during my journey. It's nice to have a community of people that understand what I'm going through and that are willing to offer support and advice.

Thanks again and looking forward to achieving our goals together.


    AkBUTLER Posts: 107
    Welcome to the site. I love mfp. It has helped me out so much. :smile: Good luck!!
  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    10 lbs down since starting MFP, 20 down overall for the year!! 30 to go, here I come!

    Mostly just wanted to test out the new signature here but still proud of the achievement! :)