walking question

If I do 3 10 minute walks throughout the day (at work) does that count as 30 minutes of walking?


  • Apocalypz
    Apocalypz Posts: 155 Member
    You won't have a steady heart rate as you'll be working up to it each time; however, sure you can log that as 30 min! Don't underestimate your progress. In 2 weeks, work that up to four-10 min walks, then five, then walk when you get home.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    If I do 3 10 minute walks throughout the day (at work) does that count as 30 minutes of walking?

    Yes. Congrats on squeezing in what you can, when you can!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well... sort of. I mean of course, three 10-minute walks add up to 30 minutes - but you can't log it as one entry of 30 minutes of walking and expect the calorie burn MFP gives you to be anywhere close to accurate. This is because you'd burn more calories if you did it all at once than if it's spread out over 3 shorter walks - this is because your heart rate will be higher on a single, 30-minute walk than it would be on 3 individual 10 minute walks (unless the 10 minute walks are super power walks, like 4mph or more I'd imagine). It's better to get in the exercise when you can, and if that's 3, 10 minute walks, that's great. Just be cautious in how you log it or you'll end up getting too many calories back.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Yes, it's 30 minutes of walking and when my back was really bad, that's all I could do at a time. Now I do 10 on morning break, 30 at lunch, and 10 on afternoon break. I log each walk separately for calorie counting purposes. Any moving is better than no moving so congrats on your 10 minute walks.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    Get a "smart pedometer" and wear it all day. A smart pedometer will keep track of "exercise minutes" vs. "just walking around the office, etc." Set a goal - say 60 minutes for the day, as see how close you can come. Like you, I sit at a desk all day -- but make myself get up and walk the halls, walk outside, climb the stairs, etc throughout the day when I can steal away. Especially: before work, at lunchtime, and then little breaks in the day. If you have a smart pedometer, it will give you the minutes and miles for the end of the day. I aim for 60 minutes and 3 miles. the pedometer will usually tell you the calories burned, too. It's a great investment, motivator, and way to keep track of the minutes you can steal away.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It will increase your activity so that is good. I wouldn't eat extra calories for it though.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Yes it's the same. Contrary to what HRMs try and brain wash people into believing, heart rate has nothing to do with calorie burn. Calorie burn is based on weight, distance, and time. So if your three 10 minute walks go the same distance as one 30 minute walk, you'd burn the same calories.