Newbie, need to find a plan that works :-(

LizzieF Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Guys

I'm strugglin on WW feeling hungry and not satisfied alot of the time. Not sure if this is because I have been spoiled with SW where you could eat big amounts (but not much sweet stuff, which was not good for me lol) but with SW i didn't feel in control and when I went off the plan I did big time because I was used to big portions.

Now I've done calorie counting before, a long time ago and think I could do it again with your guys help.

I work 3 days a week and have two 4 year old boys, so need something thats convenient for when I'm working, and also great to cook from scratch from too when I'm not working (but also satisfying my sweet tooth lol)

I have joined a gym this week and plan to go 3 times a week whilst the boys are at school so hopefully that will help my weight loss too.

To cut a long story short I want to loose 2 stone, get fit and be in control of what I eat (without the guilty feeling of having a bad day cos I have indulged a little bit in the stuff I like).

Sorry its a bit long, and thanks for reading, but I just need a plan that suits me. Hope this is the one for me :-)


  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    one thing i do is i eat every three hours or so, i eat 5-6 meals a day, not big ones except breaskfast and dinner, and it keeps me pretty full, you dont want to eat to much at a time becuase your body is only going to use the energy it needs then store the rest, so by eating 5-6 meals a day your body is constantly having energy and is keeping your matabolism up and burns throughout the day
  • Magabarb
    Magabarb Posts: 4 Member
    I agree with Pizzy. I also eat every 2 to 3 hours up to one hour before bed. . I keep my Sugar Free snacks around 100 to 200 calories and meals under 500 caories. . I enjoy the Kashi bars.
  • carajo
    carajo Posts: 532 Member
    I have had alot of success lately not eating any sweets, or sugar free sweet by replacing them with chocolate or vanilla protein shake with strawberries and bananas blended in...I used to be really "good" for a week then totally indulge in whatever i was i honestly don't crave the sugar lilke i used too...I think the protein is satisfing, so the treat doesn't sound good works for me! Good Luck!
  • welll my plan bang outa the window today goes, had 1 tooo many drinks tonight and jut wanna eat everything in sight and hav done :-( ah well will start a fresh tomorrow without any distractions of going out for some drinks......
  • kyenne
    kyenne Posts: 22
    Just last week I started eating 5 meals a day and boy it has kick started my metabolism! They usually say women need 1200 calories a day but if you add working out you get more that that. Every meal that I have is around 250-300 calories and it is working great for me! Good luck I hope you find the right eating habits!
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