The scale is a dirty rotten filthy stinking liar!



  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    My tape measure is never a liar. While I've only lost a couple pounds since the beginning of March, I am down a solid inch in my waist.

    I am amazed. Both a tape measure and a scale are measurement tools. One measures mass (or rather the effects of gravity on a given mass), and one measures linear distance. Neither one can possibly "lie", however they can *both* be used incorrectly and inconsistently -- just like any tool. A quality tool will reduce the variability in the measurements, but cannot eliminate them. I bet, if you measured your waist five times a day, there would be some variation. But, of course, that isn't a lie. Right. (sigh)

    I think everyone understands that but to some it still has a real emotional effect
  • canadafats
    My tape measure is never a liar. While I've only lost a couple pounds since the beginning of March, I am down a solid inch in my waist.

    I am amazed. Both a tape measure and a scale are measurement tools. One measures mass (or rather the effects of gravity on a given mass), and one measures linear distance. Neither one can possibly "lie", however they can *both* be used incorrectly and inconsistently -- just like any tool. A quality tool will reduce the variability in the measurements, but cannot eliminate them. I bet, if you measured your waist five times a day, there would be some variation. But, of course, that isn't a lie. Right. (sigh)

    I think everyone understands that but to some it still has a real emotional effect
    Exactly @Aaron_K123. It is unfortunate but the number on the scale can certainly have a negative emotional effect on people. It did for me. People have been programmed for so long to use the scale as the be all and end all of weight management that people need to be educated on the different ways to measure success.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    I refer to my doctors scale as "that lying *kitten* scale"

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • somegirlinlondon
    somegirlinlondon Posts: 8 Member
    Scales are like that annoying, lying jerk you dated years ago and should NEVER go back to! ;)

    Have had a similar experience today. Weigh myself each Monday and today's result said I have stayed the same BUT checked at the gym and my body fat percentage has dropped and muscle is up a tiny bit.

    Evil scales!! Tricky tricksters!!
  • canadafats
    Scales are like that annoying, lying jerk you dated years ago and should NEVER go back to! ;)

    Have had a similar experience today. Weigh myself each Monday and today's result said I have stayed the same BUT checked at the gym and my body fat percentage has dropped and muscle is up a tiny bit.

    Evil scales!! Tricky tricksters!!
    Nice. Welcome to the club! :)
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    unfortunately body WEIGHT only measures the effect of gravity on mass...

    essentially, weight is your attractiveness to the earth.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I love my scale. It doesn't lie, it just has limitations.

    I weigh everyday, after I've nursed my daughter and used the restroom, but before I've eaten or drunk anything.

    My weight fluctuates from day to day, but I only weigh for the data point. I put the weight into the WeightTrend+ app on my phone and it calculates my "trend weight" and that's what I pay attention to. My weight this morning was exactly the same as my weight yesterday morning, but the overall trend went down 0.2 lbs when I entered today's weight.

    When I see a new number on the scale, it is exciting. But other than that, I give almost no credence to the weight itself. I don't assess my progress until I enter it into my app and can then see how it has affected the trend.
  • shewentwhoa
    shewentwhoa Posts: 6 Member
    My scale is terrible too!!! I have noticed though when I weigh myself in the morning right when I get up that's when I weigh less. I heard that is your "true" weight. So i've been sticking to that lol. But, I have been noticing my clothes getting bigger and my friend noticed that I lost some weight..
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    The scale will tell you pretty lies to get you where it wants you (on top) then the first chance it gets, it will screw you over no matter how faithful you've been. Don't put too much faith in it. Your jeans won't lie to you.