Why can't I lose weight?? Frustrated!

I workout 5-6 days a week 30-60 min. I do cardio + weights 2-3 days and the rest are all pure cardio. I work out at my gym by doing elliptical, stationary bike, running around the track, and the stairclimber as my cardio and use the weight machines for my strength. I really don't do any special program or routine, I just do whatever I feel in the mood for. I eat around 1300-1800 calories a day (not net) and I am vegetarian. I just started a new job at a gourmet pizza place that is all-natural and clean and so I eat a lot of our salads and pizza. I work 5-6 days a week for 4-9 hours each shift and I am always on my feet and running around. I add my work hours to my calories as 80 calories burned per hour because I have my activity on mfp set as sedentary. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong to not lose weight. I am 18, 5'7, and 147 lbs. I have some excess fat I want to get rid of and I just can't! It's driving me insane! What do I do? Thank you so much!!!


  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Your BMI is 23 and totally in the healthy range. Why are you trying to lose weight?
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    If you just want to lose body fat you need to lighten up on the cardio and get into a lifting program. Look into Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women. This may not change the scale much but it will significantly change how your body looks.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    "I eat around 1300-1800 calories a day (not net)"

    This is your problem. You need to NET whatever MFP has as your goal. You aren't eating enough.

    Oh, and BMI is a worthless number.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    If you just want to lose body fat you need to lighten up on the cardio and get into a lifting program. Look into Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women. This may not change the scale much but it will significantly change how your body looks.

    This may be more what you're looking for--changing body composition (as opposed to losing weight). You're young and still growing, please be careful not to drive your body of what it needs! :)
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Am I the only one curious about 'all natural, clean' pizza?
  • im2lexi4myshirt
    It's a take-and-bake and not a chain. We use 100% whole wheat crust and for toppings, there are no preservatives, artificial flavoring, and the meat is hormone and msg free. I know that pizza still isn't the best option, however, it is honestly the best pizza I've ever had and has great nutritional value despite high caloric value.