Walking shoes, or running shoes?

Hello, friends!

I'm not super big on the gym (hopefully some day...) but I've been good about going at least two or three times a week. So far, I've been sticking to the elliptical, because the crappy tennis shoes I use hurt on the treadmill. However, one of my main goals is to really up my stamina for walking/hiking, because I'm hoping to travel this summer, and my trip will involve a LOT of that!

So, my question to you more experienced people is, should I buy walking shoes, or running shoes? How fast constitutes a run? When I've done the treadmill, I've managed about 3 mph for 20/30 minutes before my feet complain. The body is willing, but the sole is weak!

Thank you for your help!


  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    It's not the speed, but the gait, that determines whether you are running or walking. If you will be walking or hiking, I'd plan on buying walking or hiking shoes.
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Buy the shoes depending on what you plan on doing... if you will be only walking or hiking, get walking or hiking shoes (both if you can swing it). As for a speed definition of running, picture in your head what someone's gait looks like when you imagine them "running"... that's running not walking regardless of how fast or slow they are going. If you are asking because you might consider running at some point, I wouldn't recommend you try running in walking or hiking shoes though.