FEEL V BAD.. Need Motivation.

Hi All,

I am 26 yrs & weigh 160 lbs & Ht 5 ft 7" when i joined here (20th March'14). But ive been trying to loose since 1st March.

1. My daily Cal requirement is 1200.
2. My Calorie intake rarely exceeds 1200 (If so i compensate next day).
3. Just had 2 cheat days.
4. I Do Not excersize regularly or very light/ Mostly sedentary work.
5. I haven't eaten outside, or any high Cal diet in a Month.
6. I have started ShaunTs T25, but that burns v less calories, can someone recommend a Good program or fitness regime that would burn at least 500 Cal ).

I am Not getting where i am going wrong, i want to lose 33 LBS in All (Wanted to lose all in 3.5 months), but so far have lost just 2 in the whole Month..!!

Please feel free to ask me anything but Please tell Me what the hell am i doing wrong :((((((

(Edited to Add height).


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Looking at your diary my initial thoughts is your eating a lot more that 1200 calories. A cup is not an accurate measurement for solids. You also have many entries that just say 'A bowl' How much is actually in a bowl? What size is the bowl? These entries to me look like ones you've pulled off the database and not your own recipes. If your going to use recipes just use your own that you have entered using the recipe builder. Avoid anything that says generic in front of it. Weigh and measure absolutely everything. Once you get an accurate picture of what you are really eating you then have a baseline to work from.

    Good Luck
  • VanessaRudden
    VanessaRudden Posts: 198 Member
    Ive tried Walking - try this it really helps - Should work with the weight loss
  • TJsMama0623
    You should totally try the 17 Day Diet! I've lost 25 pounds in the first cycle of it! There are 3 cycles and it really improves your way of thinking what you eat! My calorie intake too is 1200 calories but with the diet I eat no more than 1100! Remember keep yourself moving and stay positive! God loves you and knows you can do it!
  • Siy4
    Siy4 Posts: 47
    You should totally try the 17 Day Diet! I've lost 25 pounds in the first cycle of it! There are 3 cycles and it really improves your way of thinking what you eat! My calorie intake too is 1200 calories but with the diet I eat no more than 1100! Remember keep yourself moving and stay positive! God loves you and knows you can do it!

    Oh Dear 25 lbs in 17 Days..!!!!!!! THAT IS SUPER HUGE. These days I am v v highly motivated & ready to do anythi8ng Just need to reduce weight ASAP.

    Please share this 17 days diet plan.
  • starsandowls
    starsandowls Posts: 55 Member
    You asked for an exercise program that would burn 500 calories, but said that you get very little exercise and have a sedentary job. You may have to work up to 500 calories or exercise for much longer to burn 500 calories, because people who are just starting to be more active don't have the same strength and endurance as people who are more active already. Based on your post, I think that if you were to burn 500 calories, you might find yourself completely wiped out and sore and maybe even binge. It's okay to start small. I know you want to lose all the weight in a very short amount of time, but I think you'll feel better if you try something like walking and burn 200-300 calories. If you're really set on 500 calories, try splitting it up - maybe walk for an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    You should totally try the 17 Day Diet! I've lost 25 pounds in the first cycle of it! There are 3 cycles and it really improves your way of thinking what you eat! My calorie intake too is 1200 calories but with the diet I eat no more than 1100! Remember keep yourself moving and stay positive! God loves you and knows you can do it!

    Oh Dear 25 lbs in 17 Days..!!!!!!! THAT IS SUPER HUGE. These days I am v v highly motivated & ready to do anythi8ng Just need to reduce weight ASAP.

    Please share this 17 days diet plan.

    Non please don't! It's a foolish fad. Just eat a caloric deficit and practice patience, no need to fall for a fad.
  • Siy4
    Siy4 Posts: 47
    Looking at your diary my initial thoughts is your eating a lot more that 1200 calories. A cup is not an accurate measurement for solids. You also have many entries that just say 'A bowl' How much is actually in a bowl? What size is the bowl? These entries to me look like ones you've pulled off the database and not your own recipes. If your going to use recipes just use your own that you have entered using the recipe builder. Avoid anything that says generic in front of it. Weigh and measure absolutely everything. Once you get an accurate picture of what you are really eating you then have a baseline to work from.

    Good Luck

    Thank you very much, ill definitely keep up a Note of this, but i doubt if this is it as at our home we cook in v v minimal oil, i have left white dough completely. Taking just Chapati & cocked vegetables.

    Pulses are v famous in my house hold, I believe high protein content in them is causing high calories. ill definately consider this point.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    1200 is obviously not working for you. Try entering 0.5lb or 1 lb a week loss, it might not end up being slower as you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    Log everything and don't bother with the 17 day diet :)
  • Siy4
    Siy4 Posts: 47
    You should totally try the 17 Day Diet! I've lost 25 pounds in the first cycle of it! There are 3 cycles and it really improves your way of thinking what you eat! My calorie intake too is 1200 calories but with the diet I eat no more than 1100! Remember keep yourself moving and stay positive! God loves you and knows you can do it!

    Oh Dear 25 lbs in 17 Days..!!!!!!! THAT IS SUPER HUGE. These days I am v v highly motivated & ready to do anythi8ng Just need to reduce weight ASAP.

    Please share this 17 days diet plan.

    Non please don't! It's a foolish fad. Just eat a caloric deficit and practice patience, no need to fall for a fad.

    In how much time did you loose 68 lbs..!!?? my goal is app half of that.
  • Siy4
    Siy4 Posts: 47
    1200 is obviously not working for you. Try entering 0.5lb or 1 lb a week loss, it might not end up being slower as you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    Log everything and don't bother with the 17 day diet :)

    But dear i want to loose 2 lbs a week.. i am ready to excersize & thus asking for a Regime that would burn 500 calories.
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    Try not to focus so much on the numbers - weight loss is not and will never be linear. You can't predict to lose a certain amount in a specified time-frame. That's not to say you shouldn't have goals, just don't place so much importance on what a scale is telling you. It's supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    Focus instead on the fact that you have lost some, perhaps it's not as much as you might have wanted, but this doesn't mean that you have to make drastic cuts to the types of foods you're eating or making drastic cuts to your calories. Just give it time, have some patience and trust that you will reach your goals if you keep at it.

    Work on your logging accuracy, get a digital scale and weigh everything.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    1200 is obviously not working for you. Try entering 0.5lb or 1 lb a week loss, it might not end up being slower as you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    Log everything and don't bother with the 17 day diet :)

    But dear i want to loose 2 lbs a week.. i am ready to excersize & thus asking for a Regime that would burn 500 calories.

    Unfortunately what you WANT to do and what you're able to sustainably and safely achieve, are two completely different animals. You only have 33 lb that you want to lose - 2 pound a week is not reasonable goal for only 33 to lose. Outside of a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) your body is not going to part with its weight at a rate of 2 lbs a week. It's just not. And a VLCD is not safe. Also all of this is spot on:
    Try not to focus so much on the numbers - weight loss is not and will never be linear. You can't predict to lose a certain amount in a specified time-frame. That's not to say you shouldn't have goals, just don't place so much importance on what a scale is telling you. It's supposed to be a lifestyle change, not a quick fix.

    Focus instead on the fact that you have lost some, perhaps it's not as much as you might have wanted, but this doesn't mean that you have to make drastic cuts to the types of foods you're eating or making drastic cuts to your calories. Just give it time, have some patience and trust that you will reach your goals if you keep at it.

    Work on your logging accuracy, get a digital scale and weigh everything.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Get a food scale, weigh all of your food, log accurately.

    Set your goal to lose 1 pound per week. Eat a little more when you exercise (MFP does not include food for fuel you need for exercise).

    Do NOT crash diet, you will just gain it all back, you need to learn a sustainable way to eat for the long term to control your weight.

    Report back in 4 weeks and let us know how you did with weighing food and setting 1 pound per week.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    1200 is obviously not working for you. Try entering 0.5lb or 1 lb a week loss, it might not end up being slower as you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    Log everything and don't bother with the 17 day diet :)

    But dear i want to loose 2 lbs a week.. i am ready to excersize & thus asking for a Regime that would burn 500 calories.

    No, 2 pounds a week is only healthy for those who are obese.

    When you take away too many calories, and also add an aggressive exercise program, your body needs fuel. If you do not give it fuel, it is going to turn to burning away your muscle as well as fat. Then when you get to your goal weight, you will still have a high percentage of body fat, you will be skinnier but still very squishy aka "skinny fat". It is a lot easier to maintain proper lean body mass/muscle and just drop fat than it is to try to build muscle later on. In addition, eating too little can cause you to be hungry, tired, irritable, and possibly other side effects.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    You don't need motivation--as someone said above--you need patience. Until you learn it you're just spinning your wheels. Fad diets are a recipe for disaster. Losing the last weight is always hard. This is not what you want to hear--but it is the truth.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    An average of .5 a week is low, but within the reasonable range, especially when you have less to lose. My BFF is your height and weight, so I have a general idea of what that looks like (dependent on frame size) and you're already on the small side.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    1200 is obviously not working for you. Try entering 0.5lb or 1 lb a week loss, it might not end up being slower as you'll be more likely to stick to it.

    Log everything and don't bother with the 17 day diet :)

    But dear i want to loose 2 lbs a week.. i am ready to excersize & thus asking for a Regime that would burn 500 calories.

    No, 2 pounds a week is only healthy for those who are obese.

    When you take away too many calories, and also add an aggressive exercise program, your body needs fuel. If you do not give it fuel, it is going to turn to burning away your muscle as well as fat. Then when you get to your goal weight, you will still have a high percentage of body fat, you will be skinnier but still very squishy aka "skinny fat". It is a lot easier to maintain proper lean body mass/muscle and just drop fat than it is to try to build muscle later on. In addition, eating too little can cause you to be hungry, tired, irritable, and possibly other side effects.

    ^^This. And, from what you say in your original post, you don't have a very healthy relationship with food. Until you change that, you'll always have a problem with weight loss and body image. Food isn't the enemy. You need to fuel your body properly, or else you'll never have the healthy, thin body you want.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    When I first started at 5'5" and 168...it took 6 weeks for the scale to budge! You've lost something. Try to see that as a win and just tweak wheat you're doing to help move the process along.

    I made it...eventually. Now I like to (apparently) gain 5-6lbs in the winter and work them off throughout the summer.

    Just be diligent.
  • SuperC_85
    SuperC_85 Posts: 393
    You need to accurately track your food if you want to know what you are really doing.

    Have a look at this, will clear a lot up for you -->> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1234699-logging-accurately-step-by-step-guide
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    There is some good advice in these posts. I would add that motivation comes from within and is mental. I believe that success (especially in the fitness area) is 90% attitude and 10% technique. Figure out your why and then work to achieve it. I would recommend taking a "before" picture and posting it next to your "goal" picture and looking at those every day. 2nd. Find a reasonable exercise program ( and a buddy) that fits your schedule and stick to it religiously. Finally, not all calories are equal and every body reacts to foods differently (I didn't check your diary yet) but eliminate sodas, refined foods (white bread), starches, and sugar. I like these two sayings:
    "In order to change some things in your life, you have to change some things in your life." and "It's the height of insanity doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result."

    Good luck - and know that you can do this.