over 100 lbs to loose...day 1...please help!

Well I was researching help for loosing weight, and ended up stumbling upon this. I am a huge Biggest Loser fan, watch every season, and the current one that is airing a friend is on. It is a huge motivation for me. I am 326.8 lbs, needless to say I have over 100 pounds to lose. I have been to the gym 4 days this week, burning 1000 each day. I am afraid I will lose the motivation and stop. I need help!


  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    This web site is awesome just follow the plan. Add freinds that are in your age and weight class and encourage each other and help one another stay motivated. I am 47 and need to lose 150 lbs. I have lost over 30 in 2.5 months of focusing on my health and stayng clean. Good luck add me if you want. Laurie
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    This web site is awesome just follow the plan. Add freinds that are in your age and weight class and encourage each other and help one another stay motivated. I am 47 and need to lose 150 lbs. I have lost over 30 in 2.5 months of focusing on my health and stayng clean. Good luck add me if you want. Laurie
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Don't stop you're doing so well! And this website is a great tool and friend. I absolutely love it on here and for the most part everyone is helpful and motivating. You have a friend on the new show? Which one is your friend?!?! Me and my fiance always watch. And just keep reminding yourself you can do it! [=
  • RainbowNtheWaterfall
    Girl u are on fire! you burned 1000 calories? that's excellent....just remember to log what you eat and include your exercise work outs...it's a motivator to see what you've done on the news feed
    Please keep it up! You're doing great!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    forget what you see on TV.. Bottom line is, it will take time, lots and lots of time. We didn't get this way over night and there is not mirical cure. 2 lbs a week should be the most you do. Start with simple changes in your life style that you can live with. Only way to stay on track is to be able to live with the changes you have to do.
  • RungosGirl
    I am new to this too and trust me this is the site for you. I have already meet amazing people who are very supporting. I am here for you All the way hun.
    Add me if you like.
  • rtjonespe
    Be careful not to over do your exercise. I assume you haven't been exercising prior to this. So to go very hard in the beginning can lead to injuries and worse, burnout. Take it slow, but keep it going. You didn't become overweight over night and you can't reverse overnight either. You can do this and this is a great place and way to do it. Keep it going
  • jmmcclel
    jmmcclel Posts: 7 Member
    Well I was researching help for loosing weight, and ended up stumbling upon this. I am a huge Biggest Loser fan, watch every season, and the current one that is airing a friend is on. It is a huge motivation for me. I am 326.8 lbs, needless to say I have over 100 pounds to lose. I have been to the gym 4 days this week, burning 1000 each day. I am afraid I will lose the motivation and stop. I need help!

    Hey you took the first step! Now lets get moving! If you want some insite on the training they do on the biggest loser feel free to ask. However, 75% of all fat loss should come from diet and only 25% should come from cardio. So don't overdo it. If you try to jump head over heals into workout programs early on your body will go into starvation mode. Break out that food steamer, chicken, brown rice, and broccoli. Its gunna be one heck of a fight, but you can do it! Be sure to space out your meals throughout the day and don't be scared to eat carbs. If you are exercising your going to need them or your muscles will start to break down. Good luck.
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Hang in there - you can do it! Anytime you are struggling logging on MFP for support really helps keep you on track. Best of luck!
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Well welcome! That is great that you are starting the process.
    I heard a great quote today, "It is hard to be fit and it is hard to be fat. Choose your hard."
    You can do it. One day at a time. Think of it as needing to lose 5 pounds, or even 2. That way it doesn't seem so daunting as needing to lose 100. Baby steps are great as long as you are taking the steps.
    Keep it up and come here for encouragement any time.

    Life is good.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    So many of us have been where you are. This is a one day at a time thing. Be honest with yourself in what you record, make some friends, and know that we are all pulling for you.
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Well you stumbled into the right place, lots of encouragement here, Add all the friends you can and stay true to yourself, log every bit of exerciese you get and every thing you, eat, or drink. It works and you can do this. We are all here to cheer each other along. WELCOME.!! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • aligirl32766
    "Hey!" from one Missouri girl to another! My highest ever weight was 332 and now I am really close to hitting 232, so if I can do it I know you can do it. This site is such a great tool, it's been a big help to me. Add me if you like, and welcome to MFP family.
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I am also new to this site. I downloaded an app for my iphone a few weeks ago but really just got started on Sept 20th. So far I am down 5lbs! I have found this site VERY useful in helping me to keep track of what I am eating and was really a huge wake up call! I didn't think I was eating THAT much, but I was. A big part of weight loss is portion control! I DO NOT deprive myself of anything! If I get a craving I first try to figure out what would be the healthiest way to satisfy it, but I don't really consider anything off limits, all in moderation. Of course there have also been times that I will get hungry for something, until I pick up the package and read the nutrition info!
    BTW, I have been down this road before, then stopped doing all the things I had been and knew I should be doing, eating right, exercising, well it all came back. This time it will be gone for good!
    Best of luck to you and feel free to add me!
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    First off, welcome and congratulations on deciding to make the change :)

    The only advice I can give you is stay on track. Through the ups and downs don't get discouraged, you aways have a sounding board in this place. A common first time mistake is believing the packaging. Most "healthy" processed foods are anything but! Try to incorporate real foods: fruits, veggies, eggs, milk, REAL cheese, lean meats, etc. We have 100 years of poor dietary ideals in this country and habits like that don't change over night.

    Read as much as you can, education in the key to understanding the real ways dieting works, it's not a fad or a trend it's your body. Eating is the second most intiment thing you can do, but some how we forget that what goes in is for nourishment not just a good taste. Not saying healthy foods can't be tasty! :)

    30-60 minutes a day of circuit training is a good start, maybe try "Jullian Micheal's 30 Day Shred" or seek information from a personal trainer at your local gym, but most importantly start off slow and work up, don't hurt yourself. And get a physical from your MD. before hand just to make sure you're ok to start training not worth major medical complications.

    I recommend a book called Mastering Your Metabolism by Jullian Micheals, kinda trendy and a little preachy but is a good base for understand the poisoning modern society has done to us and why it's so hard to lose the weight. A few great movies to watch that will help with perspective are: Food Inc, The Future of Food, and Processed People.

    And keep in mind the more you have the faster you'll drop it at first so that maybe encouraging for a few weeks but don't lose hope when you hit that first plateau, we all do and it's very tough. We're all here to help. You can ask me anything anytime. I wish you the best of luck and hang in there :)
  • Swros
    Swros Posts: 1
    I just stumbled on this site too through their app for my I-phone. This looks like what I have been needing! But I digress.

    I have lost 18 pounds and have about 43 to go. However I DON'T have 43 pounds to lose TODAY. For years I thought I'd never lose the weight but I have proven it is possible by what I have lost. To oversimplify, calories in need to be less than calories out. Anything you can save today will help. Some days will not go well. That's what tomorrow is for. I know what my issues are (serious emotional eater, tough schedule) and I have learned what tools will help. For me tracking is essential because there's no "fudging" and this site will be a Godsend for that. FINALLY one I can use!.

    We are creatures of habit. Work at developing a good routine of diarying food and exercise (yes its a pain but so is being heavy) for 2 weeks and see if it doesn't become a habit.


  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Welcome to MFP. This is the Best site for meeting other people looking to lose (or gain) weight or to get back in shape at any point! You've taken the 1st step. Sign in every day and read and get inspired by all the success stories on MFP. This is a wonderful, supportive community. Add me as a friend if you'd like. We welcome you and are here to help you reach your goal.
  • jwhitted1
    Welcome! I just got on it yesterday. I have 100 pounds to lose as well. I know it sounds silly but just take it 1 day at a time. Don't try to be perfect because you are not. Just think of it like this. Whenever you eat something, is it getting you closer to your goal or further away. I lost 70 pounds and then I began gaining again. I stopped all of the things that I was doing to lose that weignt in the first place. I stopped working out , stopped watching what I was eating...etc. Just take it one pound at a time. Also celebrate your loses! You cannot lose 100 without losing 1. Best of luck. Lets hold each other accountable. You can do it!!!!!!
  • Once you see yourself starting to drop weight It will make you more motivated If you want to add me as a freind Im here for you girly. You can do anything you put ur mind to. And If you want this then It will happen. You did the first step and joined and this Is a great program so good luck!
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    dont stop girl your off to a great start!!! I have around 120lbs to lose to so i know what your going through. you can do it!! :D