Workout routine

For all you seasoned lifters I was wondering if my routine is good to start off with. I have a lot to lose still so I have decided to ease back into exercise doing what I enjoy (weight lifting) and adding more of what I really don't enjoy (cardio) with time. I am hoping that lifting will help me to lose some inches. at this time I only have about 40-45 minutes to do weights day...

Day 1:Shoulders and triceps
Dumbbell front raise
Dumbbell lateral raise
Dumbbell standing Arnold press
machine shoulder press
dumbbell raise
dumbbell triceps extension (head crusher)
dumbbell standing triceps extension
machine triceps extension

Day 2:Legs and back
Leg machine press
leg extension machine
seated leg curl machine
donkey kick machine
seated calf raise
machine lat pull down
seated machine row
barbell deadlift

Day 3:Chest and bicep
dumbbell bench press
dumbbell incline bench press
dumbbell fly
machine decline chest press
machine fly
dumbbell curl reversed
dumbbell curl
dumbbell hammer curls

Day 4: abs and cardio
Barbell seated twist
kettle bell windmill
kettle bell pass between the legs
lying heel touches
scissors kick
parallel bar leg raise

Day 5: yoga


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I stopped reading at day 1. A split routine with lots of isolation exercises and redundancy is the wrong approach. I'd go a full-body routine done every 2-3 days, or an upper/lower split. Either way, prioritize compound lifts. It's best to follow an established program (NROL, Stronglifts, Skinny *kitten* 3, etc) instead of creating your own.