My Story and Some Help from 420 to 218 NOW


I want to share my story with all of you and hope you guys can help me. My name is Andy I'm a Pastry Chef and i used to weight 420 Pound and one day I decided to change my life so went to GYM and start eating healthy etc... So I drop 150 pound with no surgery and i was 270 pound and I guess i hit the PLATEAU I could drop 1 pound for Monthhhhhssss I change everything nothing happens. so one day i saw a HCG at my family's house and i say let me try it. and i did with the HCG I drop 100 pounds. From a 5XL to Medium/ Large Shirts and pants 52 to 34/36. I didnt know u had to stop the cycle and do it again like some people that doing it in 4 to 6 rounds. NOWWWWWWWW since i stop the HCG and I start to eat healthy and exercise, I LOVEEEEEEEE exercise I play TENNIS, VOLLEYBALL and GYM I just love to be active. what happens now its like I DONT KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MY BODY, becuase now I'm 218 "the picture on my profile its me and the 190 was Nov 2013" I try everyyyyyy things. I have been eating 5 to 6 meals a day, I try CLA, and L-Caritine with GYM, Tennis and NOTHINGGGGGG i just saw the scale is going up n up n up. and frustrated for someone that was Obese and lost that much weight. I'm even scary to eat because i dont want to gain. and one of my friend say try to ADIPEX. and I dont know what to do. they even say check a Dr. to see if there is something with my thyroid.
my basic meals are Preotien Shack, Chick Salad, Atkins Bar, Lunch, Protein Shack.

Peoples asked me what diet pills i used etc. I told them You can Go an buy a Diet Pills for $1000,000.00 and someone else guy one for $20.00. But if you not exercise, eating healthy and have a discipline you are not going to lost anything. Diets pills and a help to push you. but dont think with a diet pills i can go to BK, McD every day and I will loose 20 pounds No No NO NO its not going to happens.

I just hope you guys can help me ;'( and I'm sorry for my English its not perfect but i try . hope you all have a great day. and i know its not east the journey specially for me as a Pastry Chef, but we all can do it. If I did lost my first 150 with no help we all can do it.


  • ReneeIsReady
    ReneeIsReady Posts: 97 Member
    You look great!!
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    I don't really have any advice sorry, as I am relatively new and just taking it all in still, but wanted to say your pics look amazing. Fantastic job!! :)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    First off, congratulations on the 202 pound loss. That is incredible.

    As far as helping you with your current plateau, it would be easier to give you better advice if you made your food diary public.

    In general, though...usually plateaus happen because you no longer have a deficit, you're either eating more food than you think you are...or you're giving yourself more exercise calories back than you should. If you are using the MFP information for exercise calories, I suggest you instead multiply them by .666 and enter THAT number manually when you log exercise...MFP can overestimate the burn anywhere from around 25-50% too high.

    If you do that for a week and are still seeing that you're under on your calorie goals but not seeing a lowering in weight OR other indicator that's it working (smaller neck/waist/hips), then I would change that to multiply by .50 and enter THAT number for a week.
    If still no change, then I would say you're not logging everything you're eating and the change needs to come there.

    Good luck..if you open your diary we can give more specific info.
  • kimazoo
    kimazoo Posts: 33 Member
    First thing - congrats! That's amazing you look very healthy so don't be so hard on yourself.

    It's hard for me to know what's going on without seeing your diary. Shakes can be high in calories. You have to remember that calories in vs calories out and make sure there's a deficit there.

    Have you ever tried calculating your calories to see how many you should consume to maintain or loose weight? It's very helpful! I wouldn't say it's exact but it will give you a good idea of how many calories you need to consume based on your height/weight/goals.

    Check out this link:
  • marykate1984
    marykate1984 Posts: 30 Member
    Sounds like you are doing all the right things; and congrats on the tremendous loss!! I would advise going to a docotor and checking out your thyroid, etc...
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    First off, congrats on your lose!! That is amazing!! :)

    As for advice, don't be afraid of eating. Remember that food is fuel for your body. Perhaps you should start taking measurements? Sometimes the scale doesn't move but you could still be losing inches. Also, maybe look into a strength training program? Tennis and volleyball are great and if you love them then that's even better cause you'll keep active :) But maybe adding in a strength program would help you tone up and lose some more inches :)

    As for pills and fad diets, I would stay away. Many times they cause weight lose but afterwards people gain the weight back :( which is kind of pointless :/

    Best of luck!! Don't give up yet!! :D
  • anndy1250
    Thanks You all, and my dreams is to help others to be that motivation for some that have lost the Hope. specially one day working with kids that is a little overweight. they need US, its not there fault we can be a role model for each other. and again Thank you so much for your kind full words
  • doubleohstatus
    congrats on the weightloss and like brady said open your diary and it'll help the ppl trying to give advice
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    As I'm sure you know, the things you ate back when you were heavier and losing weight may not be the best for your current situation. The guys here usually offer valuable input, but It really sounds like you had a long journey, so in your place I'd go see a doctor first so he can examine you properly and offer you professional advice.
  • anndy1250
    Thanks Brady,

    i created that profile like yearsssss ago and never used constantly, :(
    one question what do you mean by "if you open your diary we can give more specific info." that mean I have to add all the food that i eat ?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Congratualtions on the weight loss!

    Your exercise is fine but it seems you are not eating at a deficiency. You are eating too much and needs to re-calulate how many calories you should be eating per day.
  • doubleohstatus
    Thanks Brady,

    i created that profile like yearsssss ago and never used constantly, :(
    one question what do you mean by "if you open your diary we can give more specific info." that mean I have to add all the food that i eat ?

    Your diary is set to private so no one can see it.
  • anndy1250
    thanks Buddy I just change it. I didnt know that
  • anndy1250
    thanks Buddy I just change it. I didnt know that
    Thanks Brady,

    i created that profile like yearsssss ago and never used constantly, :(
    one question what do you mean by "if you open your diary we can give more specific info." that mean I have to add all the food that i eat ?

    Your diary is set to private so no one can see it.
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    In any case, if you are concerned, first visit your doctor. He may have recommendations or he may say you are doing great.

    What is the recommended weight for your height? Search for BMI calculator and you will find it. Now, after you find the ideal weight that *other* people say, you have to decide what is good for you.:smile: I have seen athletic people that are heavier than you would think - muscle weighs more than fat.

    You food diary says your daily goal is 2,060 calories. That is approximately the recommended daily amount for a healthy man. IMO, between 190 and 218 means perhaps you are putting on more muscle from exercise!