Hi! I'm new and looking for some friends and tips ;)

Hey guys!
I downloaded this app a while ago but have just started to use it. My weight had got badly out of control. I'm 5ft 5.5 and I weigh 236lbs. I've recently joined weight watchers as I like the idea of someone weighing me every week but I also use mfp to count and track what I'm eating. I'm looking for some friends to help me along my way. It's so much easier with some support so give me an add if you like and we can support each other through our journeys together.


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    feel free to add me. I can help you as much as I can behind a computer to motivate you. good luck on your weight loss. stay persistent and log everything even if it's bad so you can analyze the data. I was in a similar program and helped a lot. MFP is helping me even more.
  • Anneh1127
    Hi! I've been tracking on here for about 11 days now (not that I'm counting lol)...I'm 5'6" and 173; I started at 176 over a week ago, though! I have about 25lbs to go. I'm almost 30, married, I have three kids ages 4,5 & 6...and I'm in full time nursing school at the University of Maryland. I'd be so glad to find some camaraderie and support on here; from someone kind of normal! lol I've seen some crazy posts from people that seem to be obsessive/anorexic/on diet pills....I'm not all about that. I want to be a healthy example for my kids and show my daughter what it means to love and care for yourself. Glad to meet you!! -Anne
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 285 Member
    Add me if you would like? Good luck on your journey :smile: