White Rice and Carbs.

So, i've been trying to lose my little gut for a while now, but at the same time im trying to bulk because im skinny already. Im still confused about what foods to eat especially when it comes to rice. My step mom is always making white rice and i heard its a great way to put on weight. But i also heard it can cause bloating, so wouldnt this make it hard for me to get a flat stomach? Should i cut off white rice?
- Also i'm still trying to figure out the difference between carbs and calories... dont laugh they both seem the same to me because arent they both energy and don't they both cause weight gain ?
helppp thank you!


  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    White rice is fine to eat. Just log the calories.

    Calories are the units of energy that are in food. A calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1 g of water 1 degree Celcius (I think...that chem class was a while ago!). It's how energy is measured.

    Food contains calories. These calories can come from different sources though. Fat, protein, and carbs all contain calories. One gram of protein or carb contains 4 calories...one gram of fat contains 9 calories. Carbs are the first source of energy for the body.

    Neither calories nor carbs make you fat. An excess of calories will lead to fat storage. However, you could eat a calorie deficit of all carbs and still not gain fat. This would cost you muscle mass and mess with hormones and bodily functions though, so I don't recommend this approach haha. But carbs are not bad, and it is completely okay to include them in your diet. Approximately 40% of my calories come from carbs.

    I hope I explained this okay, and if I messed anything up I'm sure someone else will be along to correct me. :smile:
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Ever been to Asia?

    Eat all the white rice you want.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    White rice is fine to eat. Just log the calories.

    Calories are the units of energy that are in food. A calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1 g of water 1 degree Celcius (I think...that chem class was a while ago!). It's how energy is measured.

    Food contains calories. These calories can come from different sources though. Fat, protein, and carbs all contain calories. One gram of protein or carb contains 4 calories...one gram of fat contains 9 calories. Carbs are the first source of energy for the body.

    Neither calories nor carbs make you fat. An excess of calories will lead to fat storage. However, you could eat a calorie deficit of all carbs and still not gain fat. This would cost you muscle mass and mess with hormones and bodily functions though, so I don't recommend this approach haha. But carbs are not bad, and it is completely okay to include them in your diet. Approximately 40% of my calories come from carbs.

    I hope I explained this okay, and if I messed anything up I'm sure someone else will be along to correct me. :smile:
    Well that pretty much sums it up.


    The only other thing I would ask is, what do you do for exercise OP? To me it sounds like you have more of a composition issue than an actual needing to lose weight issue. The only thing that is going to substantially change your body composition is resistance training...cardio and dieting, dieting, dieting really isn't going to get you the results you are looking for.

    Note also that body re-comp takes time...it's not a 30Ds or 90X kind of thing...get you *kitten* in the weight room and start pumping some iron with the understanding the people work on this stuff for years...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    So, i've been trying to lose my little gut for a while now, but at the same time im trying to bulk because im skinny already. Im still confused about what foods to eat especially when it comes to rice. My step mom is always making white rice and i heard its a great way to put on weight. But i also heard it can cause bloating, so wouldnt this make it hard for me to get a flat stomach? Should i cut off white rice?
    - Also i'm still trying to figure out the difference between carbs and calories... dont laugh they both seem the same to me because arent they both energy and don't they both cause weight gain ?
    helppp thank you!

    If it fits with your calorie then eat white rice.

    There is nothing bad about it, that being said there is nothing much good about it either (it's kind of a nutritionally neutral food - there are some but not much to write home about).

    White rice is basically just starch - which is fine, but if you are counting the calories then what you eat in rice you are not eating in other more nutritionally richer foods.

    Its just a personal choice at the end of the day.
  • midohiowoodsman
    White rice is fine to eat. Just log the calories.

    Calories are the units of energy that are in food. A calorie is the amount of heat it takes to raise 1 g of water 1 degree Celcius (I think...that chem class was a while ago!). It's how energy is measured.

    Food contains calories. These calories can come from different sources though. Fat, protein, and carbs all contain calories. One gram of protein or carb contains 4 calories...one gram of fat contains 9 calories. Carbs are the first source of energy for the body.

    Neither calories nor carbs make you fat. An excess of calories will lead to fat storage. However, you could eat a calorie deficit of all carbs and still not gain fat. This would cost you muscle mass and mess with hormones and bodily functions though, so I don't recommend this approach haha. But carbs are not bad, and it is completely okay to include them in your diet. Approximately 40% of my calories come from carbs.

    I hope I explained this okay, and if I messed anything up I'm sure someone else will be along to correct me. :smile:

    ^^ This

    I eat tons of carbs (350g+ per day) and losing weight steadily. White rice is perfectly fine to eat, just stay in your caloric range.

    Some EXCELLENT info on carbs