Weight loss after kids - help please!

Hi! I'm Jen. I'm a younger (26) mom of two kids (aged 3 and 1). Before kids, I weighed 120 lbs. I was fairly muscular and that was a healthy weight for me as I'm 5'3. I gained 65 lbs with my first pregnancy (yikes!), got back down to 140 lbs when I got pregnant again, and gained 40 lbs that time (yikes again). I am back down to 136 lbs but oh so unhappy about how I look. Most of my friends don't have kids and are so fit and thin. I don't want to be fat and frumpy any more. April 1st was the start of my new healthy life. I threw out all the crap out of our fridge and cupboards. No more refined white stuff and fatty meat and cheese. Eating tons of veggies, fruit, lean protein and drinking tons of water. Starting to work out every day, even if it's a 30 min walk and doing planks, pushups, and crunches every day.

Does anyone have any more advice, tips or motivation?? I have spent the last 4 years in a 1 piece bathing suit and it's my dream and goal to rock a bikini this summer. How can I make that happen?!?!?!


  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    You're in a decent weight zone now, probably, so I would work on body composition -- lift heavy, compound movements, consider Stronglifts 5x5 program to start or check out Nerd Fitness and look at doing bodyweight exercises if you need to do it at home.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    So, you've got about 15 lbs to lose but you want to tone up while your at it? Patience and Stronglifts 5X5. It's awesome. Losing that little amount of weight will take some time but not as much if you add weight ttraining to your routine.
  • shayjgordon
    shayjgordon Posts: 90 Member
    I will be 26 in the summer and also have a 3 and 1 year old and 5'3...crazy haha. After my first I went up to 165 then went down to 135-130 but then got pregnant with my second and went back up to 155. I'm now down to 140 and still hate the way I look, I don't know how to get rid of this pooch. I've started to do more strength training, not lifting yet as it is impossible to get to the gym having kiddos, but squats, crunches and pushups along with any cardio I can get. What works for me is to strap on my running shoes as soon as my kids go for a nap before I have a chance to think about anything and pop in a workout DVD or jump on my elliptical machine. Or right after dinner, if the kids are in a good mood, I'll pop them in the buggy and go for as long as a walk I can before one of them starts getting fussy, which is usually about 30 mins, so I walk/jog as fast as I can before that mark. Feel free to add me!