How long until you notice?

I started my diet 5 weeks ago now. I have lost 10lb. I started at 206lb so 10lb is not really alot in comparison to the 49 I want to lose! However, I was just wondering where you notice weight loss first? I am looking forward to seeing my body change a little in the upcoming weeks x


  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    It's harder to tell when the amount to loose is high, however, if you take your measurements then you have that additional comparison and are not always left to comparing your weight on the scale. When you work out more, you will loose fat and you will also gain more muscle, those are times when it's great to have measurements because sometimes your weight may not change for a while, the measurements will show your continued progress.

    Hope that helps somewhat! Good luck in achieving your goals!