im not losing anything and feel disheartend

Im 5ft 3 weigh 130lbs I have lost 5lbs since January to which im proud of I work out a min 5 days a week jogging on my trampette for hours or just under and also throw in some squats and lunges feel I eat reasonable well but would welcome some feedback as I just dont feel like im losing anything im a tough cookie and will take any advice given, my food diary is open


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    There's not a lot food in your diary. Are you not logging everything or are you really under eating that much?!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    If your diary is accurate, you eat less than a 1000 cals a day and run "for hours" ....What are you trying to do, kill yourself? Start eating more, up your protein, do more squats (with weights) and run less.....
    Your body is holding on to everything for dear life.....
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Are you accurately logging foods, weighing and measuring everything? Can often be eating more than you think. And looking at your diary I seriously hope you are eating more than what you've logged - many days under 1000 calories which is not enough food, especially with exercise.

    Some days (assuming burned and consumed calorie estimates are reasonably correct), you're netting around 0 calories, which = OUT OF FUEL. Go down that road for too long and you risk a list of problems, including no energy, hair loss, brittle nails, stall in weight loss, screwed up metabolism and hormones, etc.

    Eat the proper number of calories to start - remember that goal means GOAL - something to strive for, achieve, not a number to fall well short of. Your daily cal goal already has you at a deficit, so you can eat all your calories and you will still lose weight. Not eating back exercise cals creates way too large a deficit, leading to the potential problems I already mentioned.

    Two good investments if you can get your hands on the would be a food scale and a good heart rate monitor. The more accurate you are with logging food and exercise, the better.
  • erinokelley116
    You might want to start eating more food because a part of your system resist under eating and uses the fat stored for survival. But once you increase the sensitivity and eat more you might be able to lose more weight.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I'm going to agree with the people above me. Is there a medical reason that you're eating so little?

    Start by setting an adult goal for your nutrition and calories:
  • leeannsandon
    I sometimes feel like im over eating and bloat , everything in my diary is everything I actually eat I dont log drinks but I only drink water or lots of cups of tea no sugar though but do have full fat milk in it, with whats in my diary I do feel full
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    You want to weigh 102?
    Even at 5'3 that's pretty low!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I sometimes feel like im over eating and bloat , everything in my diary is everything I actually eat I dont log drinks but I only drink water or lots of cups of tea no sugar though but do have full fat milk in it, with whats in my diary I do feel full

    You have to keep in mind that feeling full isn't always the best indicator of whether or not you're getting enough to eat. Unfortunately, the hormones that control our hunger signals can be suppressed by a number of things, including exercise and prolonged undereating. Look at the big picture. Mood, energy levels, concentration, gym performance, healthy skin and nails. There are a lot of things that can happen in the background, including muscle and bone loss and vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, that hunger won't always warn you about.

    Assuming that your diary is accurate, you need to be eating more. 1200 calories is the bare minimum recommended for a sedentary woman to get all of the vitamins and nutrients she needs. And you aren't sedentary.
  • k_zara
    k_zara Posts: 6
    Hi all, I am in a similar situation. I workout 45mins daily 4 times a week and basically don't eat upto 700 calories? Any ideas or help on how to up my intake pleaseeeeeee
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I sometimes feel like im over eating and bloat , everything in my diary is everything I actually eat I dont log drinks but I only drink water or lots of cups of tea no sugar though but do have full fat milk in it, with whats in my diary I do feel full

    Then you should be very thin if that's all you eat.
  • leeannsandon
    I want to hopefully get down to 115/120lbs when I put weight on it really shows because of being so short I currently a uk size 12 but only want to be a healthy size 10
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I want to hopefully get down to 115/120lbs when I put weight on it really shows because of being so short I currently a uk size 12 but only want to be a healthy size 10

    How did you gain weight if you are only able to eat 1000 cal per day?
  • sgcadola
    sgcadola Posts: 35 Member
    Don't skip meals!! Try eating 5-6 small meals a day. Mix up your workouts as well. Try doing some HIIT for about 20-30 a day as well. Cardio will only get you so far. I am 5'2" and I started out weighing 136lbs. In 8 weeks I've lost 12lbs. I mix doing Insanity, 30DS and gym. For us shorter girls I feel like weight training is the best thing, but you have to lift heavy! I take a fat burner in the morning then a pre-workout before the gym.

    You really need to eat more. I also have a hard time getting over 1200 calories a day because I am not hungry. Small things like mixed nuts, protein shakes, granola, etc.. really help and they are all healthy.

    Good luck!
  • k_zara
    k_zara Posts: 6
    I currently weigh 180lbs from 221lbs 7months ago and want to weigh between 160/ 165 lbs by May orJune
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Hi all, I am in a similar situation. I workout 45mins daily 4 times a week and basically don't eat upto 700 calories? Any ideas or help on how to up my intake pleaseeeeeee
    You'll get better responses if you start your own topic with your questions as people here will be responding to the OP (original poster). :smile:
    You have to keep in mind that feeling full isn't always the best indicator of whether or not you're getting enough to eat. Unfortunately, the hormones that control our hunger signals can be suppressed by a number of things, including exercise and prolonged undereating. Look at the big picture. Mood, energy levels, concentration, gym performance, healthy skin and nails. There are a lot of things that can happen in the background, including muscle and bone loss and vitamin/nutrient deficiencies, that hunger won't always warn you about.

    Assuming that your diary is accurate, you need to be eating more. 1200 calories is the bare minimum recommended for a sedentary woman to get all of the vitamins and nutrients she needs. And you aren't sedentary.
    This exactly. Just because you don't feel hungry doesn't mean you don't need to eat more. Your body needs fuel! Don't sell yourself short by under eating!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hi all, I am in a similar situation. I workout 45mins daily 4 times a week and basically don't eat upto 700 calories? Any ideas or help on how to up my intake pleaseeeeeee

    Your diary closed so it's hard to give specific advice. Look for calorie dense foods to add to your diet. Nuts, nut butter, full fat dairy, Greek yogurt, ice cream, cheese, full calorie dressings and sauces, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, dark chocolate, avocado, seeds, fruit juices, protein shakes and smoothies, granola, granola bars, etc. It should be relatively easy to boost each meal by a few hundred calories with some pre-planning.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I want to hopefully get down to 115/120lbs when I put weight on it really shows because of being so short I currently a uk size 12 but only want to be a healthy size 10

    Is the number on the scale or the size and shape of your body more important to you? This is an honest question, not snark. If you're more interested in fitting into a smaller size, you're likely to benefit more by focusing on body recomposition instead of weight loss. Eat closer to maintenance, increase your protein, and start a progressive strength training routine.
  • leeannsandon
    I gained the weight since having my three children not recently as my youngest is three, but if I do need to eat more then il try it im just scared of gaining the weight im not purposely under eating for my kids sake I just want to be healthy
  • kdillson70
    After reviewing your diary, it looks like you need to increase your calories. Sounds like your body is in starvation mode, which means it's holding on to every calorie you eat. Which is probably why you aren't losing and could possibly gain. You should be eating between your BMR and TDEE. "Eat more, weigh less" Please read:

    Good Luck!
  • k_zara
    k_zara Posts: 6
    Thanks guy for your prompt response.