Any recipes for a Pasta Lover?

lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
I love pasta...mostly Fettucine and Linguine. But I haven't had it for a while because it doesn't fit in with my daily intake :-( I am wondering if anyone has any pasta receipes that are healthy and lower in carbs, calories, etc.? I won't do whole wheat pasta as I hate the taste of it.


  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Love this sauce:

    and I recommend adding a *kitten*-ton of veggies to your pasta, so overall you're eating less pasta. I love broccoli with this, but you could saute some carrots and onions, zucchini or yellow squash to add in.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You could try casseroles. There's still pasta but less of it. I made a cheeseburger casserole the other day, it was delicious, but there are a lot of other recipes out there too. You can add lots of veggies as well.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Less pasta with more veggies, and you can do like the Italians and add garbanzos (I am not eating it all right now either due to my diet), although I had a little in a pre-packaged entree I had the other day (1st one in 3 months), which is weird since I can't have it otherwise.

    Dreamfields is a better pasta to eat if you are going to have it, a lot more fiber or whole wheat or the barilla plus. You can also try corn or brown rice pasta. If you eat brown rice, you could also try rice noodles, the ones for pad thai are wider, but can't have too much of that either! I eat brown rice but just the rice, although I have plans for these other items later on. Not a big fan of corn pasta myself, but it is tolerable I guess, dont' eat that now either though.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    Love this sauce:

    and I recommend adding a *kitten*-ton of veggies to your pasta, so overall you're eating less pasta. I love broccoli with this, but you could saute some carrots and onions, zucchini or yellow squash to add in.

    oh i'm so glad to see this guiltless alfredo sauce mentioned here! i was just coming to ask the best lower cal alfredo sauces.

    do you make any changes to it?
  • ebonet123
    ebonet123 Posts: 4 Member
    I am really like Shiratake Noodles-no carbs and only 20-30 calories per serving. NOW they are NOT NOODLES so don't go into it thinking "Yay pasta" but after not having carbs for so long they come really close. They come packaged in liquid and you have to drain them. They do have a slightly fishy smell...BUT they don't taste fishy! They work best with asian type dishes, but I have made them with tomato and alfredo sauce before. The best way to prepare them is to drain and rinse in hot water and pat dry with a paper towel. I pan saute then until they are fairly dry and they throw them into the dish of my choice. My 10 year and and 6 year old don't know the difference when I season them up well. They are worth a try if you are craving noodles, but not the calories and carbs! Good luck!
    BTW I find mine in the grocery store with the vegetarian stuff or in the Asain isle. They are usually refrigerated, but don't have to be!
  • conquertheself
    conquertheself Posts: 91 Member
    Love this sauce:

    and I recommend adding a *kitten*-ton of veggies to your pasta, so overall you're eating less pasta. I love broccoli with this, but you could saute some carrots and onions, zucchini or yellow squash to add in.

    This is awesome!! I dislike tomato sauces so this will do. Thank you for the link :D
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    Glad I looked at the forums before I went shopping. I too am jonesing for some pasta dishes. I was going to try the 100% wheat stuff again, (did not like it last time tho) and have already incorperated zuchinni into the one penne dish I've had over the past 2 weeks.
    I probably won't like the wheat stuff again, but I may try to overwhelm the pasta with the squash and eggplant and such.

    Thanks for the topic. and Thanks for the ideas
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I don't like 100% whole wheat pasta either so last night I tried the Multrigrain pasta and it was SO much better...tasted much closer to the white pasta than the whole wheat. I also packed my plate with veggies which made it taste even better!!
  • HauteLlama
    HauteLlama Posts: 21 Member
    I use spaghetti squash and make zucchini ribbons. It cuts calories WAAAAY down. Also, you get more vitamins and can use more sauce. Good times all around. :) x
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I replace zoodles (zucchini noodles) for pasta. They have gadgets that actually make the zucchini or squash look like noodles, which is great because I can twirl it on my fork. After the zoodles are cut, I saute a little onion and garlic and then add the zoodles and cook until the are done to my liking. I usually do this when my sauce is done and just warming because the zoodles dont take long to cook and its very easy to over cook and have soggy zoodles. Some people salt them before cooking to absorb the water in the zucchini. Of course it doesn't take like pasta but with the sauce on it, it satisfies my cravings. My husband even eats it which really surprises me. I haven't tried in in a casserole yet, but I have heard of people replacing zucchini for noodles in lasagna, so I plan on trying it soon.
  • Mahihkan
    Mahihkan Posts: 162
    I like this easy one...

    In a bowl: All to taste and/or depending how much pasta you make (I use bowties)

    Olive oil
    Minced fresh garlic
    chopped sundried tomatoe
    Black olives (sliced)
    Ground pepper
    Whatever spices/herbs you have and like

    Let it rest 30 minutes

    Throw the pasta and mix...

    Can be served cold or hot.

    Can add shrimps or chicken or even avocado!