Here for the long haul!

Hi everyone :) My name is Angie, I'm 27 years old and live near the Kansas City area. I am married and own three cats, named Roy, Amani, and Zeldar (was Zelda, but we found out recently that what we thought was a "she" was actually a "he", so we added the R to make it sound more masculine lol). I started my current weight loss journey at around 230ish pounds. I've tried to lose weight in the past and it just never works out, usually because after about a month I get bored and go back to the same old bad behaviors. So far though, I'm about 50 days in, longer than i've ever managed to stick with anything, and as you can see from my ticker, i've lost 14 pounds. I have about another 45 pounds to go to be at my goal weight. I'm refusing to give up this time, i've had a couple bumps in the road so far but got right back on. I credit most of my newfound dedication and sense of drive from returning to taekwondo. I practiced for 6 years and then dropped out as a teenager, and now a little over 10 years later I'm back at another studio, with my blue belt, and going two to three days a week. I've finally found my exercise "niche" and I'm feeling so much better. :) I don't know how often i'll post here but I thought it would be fun to join another message board, I find most of my friends come from them.


  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi. Sounds like you are doing great this time! I like the story about Zeldar but kinda wonder how you didn't know it was a boy. Reminds me of an old Dennis the Menace cartoon where Dennis says to Joey, "Mr. Wilson can tell boy cats from girl cats just by turning them over and looking at the bottom of their feet!"
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    The reason we didn't know was because we got him at 2 months old, and he had SUCH long fur that any "male parts" were completely hidden. Even the friends who gave him to us thought he was a female, and we just took it at their word as we couldn't see any differently. It wasn't until a little bit ago, his fur has smoothed itself and the "male parts" are starting to present themselves lol. But it's okay, he is very much loved regardless of gender. :)