No Weight Loss/No Change in Body Composition.

Hi, I am struggling severely trying to lose weight. I am 5'5, weigh 165 pounds and I am a 32 year old female. I have been hitting the gym 4-5 times per week for the past 10 weeks with activities such as spinning for an hour, running for an hour, or weight training. I stick to a very strict diet of between 1200-1500 calories per day as well as watch everything consumed. I eat tons of fresh fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, without adding sugar, whole grains, plenty of water, grilled vege's and lean protiens. In the past 10 weeks I have not lost one single pound nor has my body composition changed. My clothes still fit the same, etc... I was so discouraged that I tried Garcinia Cambogia, Slim Quick, detox waters, detox foods, trying to jump start my metabolism. I have made life altering changes such as cutting out beer, wine, liquors, etc..., reduced sugar and sodium intake drastically, incorporated grilled fish into my diet and grilled vege's. I do monitor calorie intake and I don't munch or mindless eat during the day as losing weight is important to me. Someone PLEASE HELP me understand.


Discouraged and In Tears


  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Open your diaryb
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    It's always hard to say since we aren't there with you, but, here's some common things. If you eat less food than you take in, you lose weight. Medical fact. If you aren't losing weight, then any of these may be an option:

    1: You are eating more than you think you are. Be sure to weigh food, not go by volume. Volume is more easily inaccurate.
    2: You aren't exercising as much as you think you are. Given that your desired calorie intake range is absurdly low, this shouldn't be an issue for you, but it may be worth looking into an HRM or something and checking the numbers.
    3: You have a medical issue. Thyroid problems are most commonly associated with people who gain weight rapidly, or fail to lose weight through exercise. There are others. You would need to consult a physician who has good knowledge on these things (not just a GP).