P90X Combined with other exercise....Too much?

First off I want to say that I am not an athlete or a exercise enthusiast. I enjoy working out when I do it, but lack consistency. Last week I started running (just 1 mile, but its a start). And I went swimming. Eventually I would like to do a triathlon in my life. DH usually works out of town, but next week he will start being home during the week. He wants to re-start P90X (we did it together about a year ago for about 1 or 2 months). But I want to work on my running, maybe bike a little, and swim once a week. Do you think doing those things with P90X is too much for a beginner? I thought about just doing the strength & yoga videos with him and doing the running, biking, swimming for my cardio. What are your thoughts?


  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I don't know much but, id consider it just fine. I mean, P90x and then some regular things that active folks do. Just consider yourself active and go for it!
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    Sounds fine to me. I don't like all the P90X videos (i.e Yoga) and replace them with cardio activities I like, such as biking.
    Basically, it seems as in you want to keep doing the strength training but instead of doing the cardio workout, you will do your own.
    Nothing wrong with that.
  • turbojanem
    do you have an event date for a triathlon? here's my thought...

    if you don't have a date to train to then BRING it to P90X with all you have for the 90 days. then if you want to do a hybrid of P90X and your training then your training will be much more effective with what you gained in strength, confidence and weight loss for the 90 days of bringing it.

    if you do have a date that you are training for, talk to a triathlon trainer and see what they suggest given your time frame, current abilities and your goals.

    i personally love a good challenge and the rush of finishing something that others said i couldn't do/i thought i couldn't do.

    i have a kayak-a-lon date the end of April. my first every event. i knew going into the training that i HAD to get some weight off and strengthen my legs/joints before i started the walk to run training. i have done just that. i am down almost 20 pounds (have less than 14 to go to my "goal"). we are going on vacation next week and the temps have cooled off finely in the south, so i plan on walking to run when i get back. had i attempted to run this summer, i would have done more damage because my body/muscles/joints were not ready.

    take it one step at a time. i suggest you talk to a trainer and if you have enough time, bring it for the 90 days, then start your training. P90X is not an easy program as you know. and the body does need rest.

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You're not really a beginner. Your body is accustomed to working out. P90X does recommend that you can do doubles workouts during phase 2 and phase 3. I do P90X and there are days that I go jogging as an extra calorie burn on the same days. Just make sure you're giving yourself enough clean calories each day to compensate for the extra workouts.