Low Calories, Starvation Mode... keep it accurate



  • foxyv069
    foxyv069 Posts: 23
    Absolutely! The only person who should recommend a VLCD is a persons doctor. :) no one here. BUT, the point of this post was to help people understand that some people need to be on them. It was this or the knife, and I refuse that. I am hell bent and determined to get healthy without meds and surgery. I never said it was either 800 cals or 4000, of course there is a middle. But I have damaged myself so much with years of eating ridiculously that I have placed my own life in harms way. After the 2 months, my intake increases slowly to 1200 and I maintain that for a while until i am in the safety zone. i am in no way damaging myself. However, if I was to just up and decide to eat 800 cals without a doctors help, i would do it wrong for sure and then there may be fainting involved. :P I dont mind people disagreeing with my doctor, that is ok, they call these discussions for a reason. Im just hoping people dont become so insulted when someone mentions they are advised to be on them. definently do not recommend them though unless doc says it, for sure :)
  • foxyv069
    foxyv069 Posts: 23
    my protein intake is aprox 100-120g daily. my carbs are about 70g daily, and cals are at 800 there is no way i would lose my lean muscle. Someone eating 2000 cals a day of fruits and veggies will lose their muscles quicker, you know? I have been thoroughly educated in this and my doctor really does have a PhD... might not be from the same college everyone on here got theirs from, but I swear he's a smart guy. ;)
  • pavenewpaths
    I lost my first 30 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet and kept it off for two years just fine. Now I'm on a 1300 calorie diet and trying to lose about another 40.

    The way I see it, if you aren't kidding yourself about how hungry you are, and if you're eating enough protein/veggies/fruit and aren't eating only one meal consisting of extremely high calorie/low nutrients food -- then you have no issue.

    Do whatever works for you, y'know?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    my protein intake is aprox 100-120g daily. my carbs are about 70g daily, and cals are at 800 there is no way i would lose my lean muscle. Someone eating 2000 cals a day of fruits and veggies will lose their muscles quicker, you know? I have been thoroughly educated in this and my doctor really does have a PhD... might not be from the same college everyone on here got theirs from, but I swear he's a smart guy. ;)

    Fair enough sounds like you eat like 65% of calories from protein and that probably does protect muscle loss to some degree. But no I don't agree with people simply because they have a PhD and I should know because I have a PhD :-). Also your doctor would be an MD although I suppose he or she could also have a PhD on top of that.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's pretty hilarious to me how vehement people get about the potential dangers of a VLCD...

    Meanwhile most of the same people spent years, even decades, destroying their bodies with a VHCD.

    Years and years spent stuffing your face with plenty of high calorie, nutritionally lite fare, but SUDDENLY you're so, so concerned about how daaaaaangerous a low calorie diet is. You know...cuz nutrition.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    It's pretty hilarious to me how vehement people get about the potential dangers of a VLCD...

    Meanwhile most of the same people spent years, even decades, destroying their bodies with a VHCD.

    A fat man telling an anorexic to eat more isn't wrong simply because he is fat. the truth of something is not made dependant on who utters it.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's pretty hilarious to me how vehement people get about the potential dangers of a VLCD...

    Meanwhile most of the same people spent years, even decades, destroying their bodies with a VHCD.

    A fat man telling an anorexic to eat more isn't wrong simply because he is fat. the truth of something is not made dependant on who utters it.

    Anorexia is a mental condition. It is not synonymous with a VLCD. Anorexia often has very little to do with needing to "eat more", as many anorexics are actually quite unsuccessful at starving themselves, which lends itself ultimately to the deepening feelings of shame and guilt.

    I know you're trying to attempt an analogy here, but I do think it's so absolutely wrong, not to mention unsafe, how people talk about anorexia and low calorie dieting as if they're the same thing.

    My take? If someone can follow a VLCD, lose the weight, remain safe, and keep it off? It's all good. This just isn't the place to advocate or even much discuss it.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    It's pretty hilarious to me how vehement people get about the potential dangers of a VLCD...

    Meanwhile most of the same people spent years, even decades, destroying their bodies with a VHCD.

    A fat man telling an anorexic to eat more isn't wrong simply because he is fat. the truth of something is not made dependant on who utters it.

    Anorexia is a mental condition. It is not synonymous with a VLCD. Anorexia often has very little to do with needing to "eat more", as many anorexics are actually quite unsuccessful at starving themselves, which lends itself ultimately to the deepening feelings of shame and guilt.

    I know you're trying to attempt an analogy here, but I do think it's so absolutely wrong, not to mention unsafe, how people talk about anorexia and low calorie dieting as if they're the same thing.

    My take? If someone can follow a VLCD, lose the weight, remain safe, and keep it off? It's all good. This just isn't the place to advocate or even much discuss it.

    Wasnt trying to equate the two just pointing out that who says something or the tone in which they say it has no bearing on its validity.

    No I don't think anorexia is equivalent to a VLCD perscribed by a doctor and I never said that.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's pretty hilarious to me how vehement people get about the potential dangers of a VLCD...

    Meanwhile most of the same people spent years, even decades, destroying their bodies with a VHCD.

    A fat man telling an anorexic to eat more isn't wrong simply because he is fat. the truth of something is not made dependant on who utters it.

    Anorexia is a mental condition. It is not synonymous with a VLCD. Anorexia often has very little to do with needing to "eat more", as many anorexics are actually quite unsuccessful at starving themselves, which lends itself ultimately to the deepening feelings of shame and guilt.

    I know you're trying to attempt an analogy here, but I do think it's so absolutely wrong, not to mention unsafe, how people talk about anorexia and low calorie dieting as if they're the same thing.

    My take? If someone can follow a VLCD, lose the weight, remain safe, and keep it off? It's all good. This just isn't the place to advocate or even much discuss it.

    Wasnt trying to equate the two just pointing out that who says something or the tone in which they say it has no bearing on its validity.

    No I don't think anorexia is equivalent to a VLCD perscribed by a doctor and I never said that.

    I know, which is why I noted your intent to analogize in that very post you quoted.

    But I just took the opportunity to argue against causation, even in the presence of correlation.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Heh fair enough. I also realize that an internet forum is a different environment than my work environment and phrasing that is appropriate there can make me sound like an *kitten* here so apologies to anyone if I was rubbing you the wrong way. Its the training I swear ;-)
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    To: foxyv069 : Keep up the great work! You can do it! Yes, you can!

    To everyone else:

    There's a huge (pardon the pun) difference between people who NEED-- directed by a physician-- to follow a VLCD, and skinny teenagers who think they're too fat and decide to do a VLCD on their own. My heart goes out to the 18 year-old girls, who, at 5'7", think they're obese at 90 lbs. Unless ordered by a physician, they don't need a VLCD. They also don't need MFP like the rest of us. They do need professional counseling, which is not currently available on this forum. Please, don't shoot flaming barbs into my rotund *kitten*. This is in no way meant to insult any young, deathly skinny girls, nor anyone else. If diet-obsessed people are going to use this site inappropriately, we can't stop them, any more than we can stop an alcoholic from drinking. This just isn't the place. We are not the diet police. Frankly, it's not "M.F.P." I have my own diet to worry about. Perhaps the folks who dump mean, nasty, counterproductive, and angry words on the people who NEED to do a VLCD (or Atkins/Paleo/WW, whatever) should have a special topic to post in, so we don't have to waste time reading their disparaging and discouraging remarks. Better yet, they should start their own site.

    We have many names: fat, tubby, heavy, chubby, portly, pudgy, fatso, obese (don't forget Butterball), to name a few. They all mean the same thing. And I'll bet that most of us on MFP have been called at least one of them at some point in our lives. Isn't it hard enough just being fat (and now trying to lose weight to get healthy)? Negativity isn't needed here. I'm not saying we should hold hands and sing "Kum Ba Ya" , but give the hurtful crap a break!

    If you need to comment on someone's diet, first do the following:

    Be happy. Be happy for yourself and your success on your journey to being thinner and healthier, whichever way YOU have chosen to get there.

    Be happy for your fellow MFP members as they strive to reach their goals. But remember, although each of us may travel a different road, our destination is the same. And if you can't comment in a nice, non-judgemental, or friendly way, BE QUIET!

    (I think I burned 100 cals writing this! No, I'm not Grandpa Munster. I'm a 52 year-old woman, 5' tall, 215 lbs and shrinking!)
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Yes, I completely agree that it is not for those that are simply overweight. In my instance I was morbidly obese and was even advised by my doctor to have gastric bypass (my BMI was 42%) So I did the diet until I got under 40 bmi. Everyone definitely needs to do this the healthy way. Thats one of the points of losing weight, right? For health. :) Once I tried the HCG diet (500 cals) WITHOUT supervision and I lost weight, yeah, but was dizzy and ended up gaining all the weight back plus another 10. NOT RECOMMENDED!! Right now I am on a VLCD, but my nutritionist has me on a diet similar to those post gastric bypass, ensuring I recieve adequate nutrition. :) I normally dont post on here bc of the hell I received a year ago, but I felt very sad for another woman I had seen who was jumped on bc of it. I was just hoping to help some people understand that sometimes people are advised of low cal diets, and its ok.

    You go, girl!!! I'm wit ya all the way!

  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    Have you been tested for thyroid issues or PCOS? Or anything else that could be affecting your metabolism. I'm just curious, because I know that low calorie counts (under 1200) can make it hard to meet your bodies nutritional needs.
  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    Have you been tested for thyroid issues or PCOS? Or anything else that could be affecting your metabolism. I'm just curious, because I know that low calorie counts (under 1200) can make it hard to meet your bodies nutritional needs.

    ive looked up symptoms of those kinds of things before, and i don't really have any, i might go to the doctors, but i just dislike doctors so much!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I guess to the OP's point then.

    If you are correctly on a supervised VLCD - why mention it?

    Why does it have to come up at all.

    If the complaint is the weight loss has slowed down or stopped - then why would someone being supervised ask here for help?

    If the request is for food ideas, there's no need to mention what the overall calorie ceiling is, just that you are trying to find a type of food that has great ______ but is under _______ calories.

    Why would the level of diet even come up?

    To the OP's point, those on VLCD just starting MFP probably don't realize the rules about recommending an unsafe diet, which that would be for everyone else NOT advised and supervised to do so.

    And so they probably don't realize the wisdom in NOT mentioning that fact when asking questions.

    But I've seen many asking the questions that should NOT be asked here if they are really under Dr's supervision, which of course raises the doubts that they are not.
    Especially when they ask questions a certain way, if they talked to a Dr, did they not listen?

    OP - how much did your Dr get in to nutrition and such with you to educate you, or give you some resources?

    Perhaps these other folks weren't listening, and didn't read up later like they were supposed to, and think some internet site will answer their questions accurately.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    Have you been tested for thyroid issues or PCOS? Or anything else that could be affecting your metabolism. I'm just curious, because I know that low calorie counts (under 1200) can make it hard to meet your bodies nutritional needs.

    ive looked up symptoms of those kinds of things before, and i don't really have any, i might go to the doctors, but i just dislike doctors so much!!

    Understandable (I don't really like doctors either).

    Hypothyroidism seems to be common on my mom's side of the family. My mom has it, her sister has it and my grandma has it. I don't have it, but I get tested every couple of years to make sure. My mom didn't really have any symptoms other than a slower than normal metabolism which of course made it very easy for her to gain weight.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    Why do you gain so easily? Because you equate water weight with weight that counts, like fat.

    You also did this to yourself. No abuse, just studies that show it can be done.




    Last one shows there can be recovery, but you have to be interested in doing so.
  • LoriLee133
    LoriLee133 Posts: 6 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    How tall are you? If you don't mind me asking!
  • bethcox16
    bethcox16 Posts: 229 Member
    Right, i don't know how a lot of people will react to this post but i'm going to post it anyway and hope for no abuse, or minimal abuse.

    i am a healthy weight now, but i now try to (unless a celebratory/special event) eat around 800-1000 calories a day, otherwise i start gaining weight. i don't know why but i do, its not even like i sit all day, i walk (quickly) at least 9 hours a week around 3 hours a day, 3 days a week, plus i go running at least twice a week and i go to the gym around 3 times a week. but i still gain weight if i eat any more.

    its bloody difficult to eat that amount, but i'd rather do that than go back to how i was. i have low calorie drinks or a cup of tea for breakfast, the same for lunch, sometimes i will eat a salad, and for dinner i cook healthy meals but i only eat around a tennis ball sized portion, the rest is salad.

    that is the only way i stay slim, and to be honest i don't even feel that slim. even though i'm a uk size 6 (us size 2) i don't feel skinny, but i trust in my size and am not actively trying to lose weight.

    the point i'm trying to make is that not everyone eats a low calorie diet to lose weight quickly, some have to do it for a living.

    How tall are you? If you don't mind me asking!

    i am a measly 5 ft haha!! short from my mothers side, shes the same