Paleo side effects

Hello....I've been a "clean-eater" for years but decided to try the paleo eating plan. I've been pretty strict with it for 9 weeks now. At first I felt great but lately am noticing some troubling side effects and wonder if they are normal number one. Wondering if they will pass.... I have severe sluggishness in the late afternoons quite nails are in terrible condition, thin and peel back. I also have been getting a mouth full if canker sores about once a month. Feeling pretty irritated by these symptoms and ready to go back to my normal eating habits. Anyone else experiencing this?


  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've eaten "paleo-like" for most of my life before paleo was a thing (we're pretty close in age) but I don't make arbitrary restrictions like paleo does.
    Your post reminds me of an old joke though...

    Patient: Doc, my arm hurts when I move it like this.
    Doc: Don't move it like that.
  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    Honestly, without knowing exactly what you're eating, it's hard to say for sure. I didn't check to see if your diary was open or not, but possibly you're not getting a balance of macro and micronutrients. Do you get enough protein and healthy fats in your diet? Low protein and fat could explain the sluggishness. I would also recommend taking a Vitamin E supplement or something like that and see if it helps with your nails being so brittle. I've never experienced negative side effects of Paleo myself, but hopefully you can find an eating plan that works for you and makes you feel great. Good luck!
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    During my brief stint with paleo/primal I never experienced any of those symptoms. I don't know of anyone else who has, either. Some people really thrive on that type of diet, but it isn't for everybody. Your diary isn't open, so until people can see it they won't be able to pinpoint any problems with your intake. However, if you're following everything as stringently as you say you are then it's entirely possible that paleo just doesn't agree with your body. Judging by the nail and mouth issues, you could be suffering from a deficiency in a certain vitamin that got left out when you switched around your eating habits. I suggest going to a doctor and having them check to see if you're getting all of your micros.