Upper body strength exercise ideas

CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
I don't have a gym membership or any equipment (although I can probably afford some dumbbells and will plan on getting them).
I know there are a lot of lower body strength training exercises I can do (squats, lunges, etc) - but what about my upper body?
Other than push ups, what can I do to strengthen and tone my upper body and my arms?


  • BMW6Series
    I would think that resistance bands could help.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I just started the 100 push-up challenge to help with my upper body! =)
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    1. Dips- get a stable chair, sit on it with your hands on the edges (firm grip) then drop your butt off the front of the chair and walk your feet forward. Then... bend your elbows (dip your butt toward the floor) when your elbows are about 90* straighten them back up. MAke sure to engage your core and try not to use your legs to lift yourself. (This exercise is kind of difficult to explain.)

    2. Arm/Shoulder Murder sets- I don't know what they're actually called but that's what they feel like and they work. With weights (if you don't have weights large soup cans or milk jusgs filled with water will do) start with your hands at your sides lift your arms straight out until the hands are level with the shoulders. Rotate your hand so your palm is facing down. Keep your arms up and bend your elbows bringing your hands to your chest. Straighten your arms hold this position for a 5 count, slowly lower them back to your side. Repeat 15 times.

    When you've finished the first set of those move your hands so they are in front of you. Keeping your back and arms straight, and your abs engaged lift your weights or cans straight out in front of you to shoulder height. Hold for a 5 count slowly lower. Repeat 15 times. Switch back to the first exercise. Do 3 sets of both exercises.

    Those are just a few- there are TONS of free weight exercises that you can do with big soup cans, milk jugs or weights if you want to buy them. I recommend http://exercise.about.com/ there are lots of great exercises there!!

    Good Luck!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Here are some:


    Tip: Also search youtube, prevention.com, exercisetv.tv, self.com--you'll be surprised at what you can find on the internet!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    bicep curls
    tricep curls

    I must say the tricep dips and push ups will hit every muscle in your arms. My BFF has the BEST chest, arms, core of any woman I know at 20 let alone her 46 years..........and she never lifted a weight. She religously does push ups every day.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    boxing :)

    just get some cheap gloves, a friend and unleash the boxer side
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    boxing :)

    just get some cheap gloves, a friend and unleash the boxer side

    I do the TJ workout with boxing........awesome burn and my arms feel like jelly when I am done. I have imagined a FEW people while doing this workout:wink::laugh:
  • davebar
    Thats a hard question. What is the goal? I assume, by upper body, you mean everything above the waste. So, try these...

    Dumbbells are great. Adjustable ones are nice, but pricey. Anyway, dumbbells will help with all the stability muscles too Bands will put less stress on your joints and have constant resitance on the movement. Both are a good choice...

    Arms...Dumbbell Kick backs and dips for tris. Dumbbel curls and hammer curls for bis. Heres a good arm routine. Called 21s. For tris you would do DB kickbacks. However, the first 7 reps do palms down, next 7 reps palms in and last 7 reps palms up. Rally burns and hits all of tris. You can do same with Bi curls too. First 7 reps start at bottom of curl and stop at horizontal. Next 7 start at horiszontal and curl to top. Lat 7 start at bottom and do full rep. These give a nice burn too.

    Shoulders....Over head DB press is good. Lat raises to the side and front are good too.

    Chest.....push ups are great. You can try presses, but best to have a bench.
    Back,...Pull ups. Dead lifts.

    This is really basic stuff. However, with limited equiptment, its a start.
  • carlyrenee1
    Push-ups!!!! I know they are awful to do but they are one of the best!
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Kettle Bells are excellent.

    One word on pushups... they are excellent for the chest and tri's... but dont touch the back. I make a rule to do twice as many back exercises as chest exercises... to help keep good posture and prevent back injuries. So look up exercises that help the upper and lower back (and dont forget obliques and abs!) and do those at least as often if not more than chest.

  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Kettle Bells are excellent.

    One word on pushups... they are excellent for the chest and tri's... but dont touch the back. I make a rule to do twice as many back exercises as chest exercises... to help keep good posture and prevent back injuries. So look up exercises that help the upper and lower back (and dont forget obliques and abs!) and do those at least as often if not more than chest.


    Thanks for the info on the back. I have herniated discs in my lower back and am very cautious about doing pretty much anything that involves my back because sometimes something as simple as painting my toenails is enough to throw it out and leave me totally incapacitated for weeks. Any safe back exercises you can recommend?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    inverted pullups:
    I hang off a barbell that is about 50cm off the ground and it is the opposite motion of a pushup.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    Best advice is to talk to a Physical Therapist. I started working my back muscles slowly after herniating L2 so badly I could not lean over the sink to brush my teeth for about a year. Saw a very good PT who got me mobile again... then slowly worked back into condition. The problem never cures 100%... but with strong abs and (now) more equal muscle distribution (my right side was very hypertrophied), I can deadlift and do all kinds of other back exercises.

    When it comes to the back, see a specialist and then keep with the exercises they give you. it takes time!

    Good luck... I remember how sad it was when I couldnt even pick up my kids.
  • DigitalRain
    bicep curls
    tricep curls

    I must say the tricep dips and push ups will hit every muscle in your arms. My BFF has the BEST chest, arms, core of any woman I know at 20 let alone her 46 years..........and she never lifted a weight. She religously does push ups every day.

    I think body weight exercises are the best, at least for me. I get quicker results than lifting weights.