Need help with % split

I'm 19 I weigh about 151 I'm 5'7 I hit the gym 5-6 times do at least 20 mins of cardio and then hit the weights
Barely started taking amp wheybolic 60 just to try out I've been losing weight and gaining some lean mass on the c50 f30 p20 even though I go over and under them anyways in a 1500 calorie intake I used to weigh 160 when I did no healthy eating or exercise but changed my diet and got active and dropped ended up at 148 now 151 or 152 with the weight lifting wish I new my body fat % so I no what the right amount of proteins carbs and fats I need I really wanna get lean and lose more weight wondering if a 40c 40p 20f would be good or something different any suggestions ?? Help :s


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay so first off you will find it hard to gain Lean mass eating at a deficet. It is possible with "newb" gains but those are short lived.

    To figure out your macros the key is the protien...most recommend 1g of protien for each pound of LBM.

    I have about 25% BF @ 158 so I am for 120g of protien a day.

    Mine are broken based on my LBM

    Protien (120 x 4)/1600=30.38%
    Fat (120 x 9 x .35)/1600=25%
    rest are carbs...

    To build muscle you need to be getting in your protien and eating at a surplus and lifting progressive load heavy weights
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    cos the body can totally use 120g of protein daily for building muscle haha
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    cos the body can totally use 120g of protein daily for building muscle haha

    the 120g is about preserving the muscle mass I have while I lose fat..that along with heavy lifting has helped me maintain my LBM of 120lbs...

    I am not building muscle at this point just keeping what I have so I don't end up squishy and skinny at the end of this weight loss.

    If I was bulking it would be more protien..probably 140-160g. Along with probably 2500 calories a day not 1700.
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    It would still be utterly useless. I'm building muscle and lowering body fat on around 20-40g daily faster then I ever have been and I'm not even doing any heavy lifting. Just a little bit of body weight for 15-30 mins a day.

    And yes I haven't dropped dead yet and I've been at low protein since about September tho only recently started working out a little
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    I do 40c, 30p, 30f

    5'10, current weight 165, 135 grams of protein a day.

    Protein is the main macro most days I strive to meet or come close too.