Hip flexor/rear joint pain and squatting

So I am a pretty flexible person in general, but I have never been able to do the front splits (side splits no problem) My joints just don't allow me to do this, or be on top...if you know what I mean after a few minutes it hurts (near hip flexors) if not right away on both sides in my hips. When squatting (both olympic and athletic) I can't go low enough or my hips hurt and sometimes I need to pop my lower back like loooooow back basically my hips by placing a hand on my tush and twisting. The pain is a few inches above the tailbone and can be isolated or on both sides. Once I did this between squat sets and there was still pain, didnt think anything of it and it got worse for the next three days where it hurt to do anything even just sit or lay down. I recovered with some chiropractic care, however I want pain to go away completely or be prevented from coming back. Any advice?


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Honestly, IMO, With a chronic pain like that it's probably worth seeing a doctor to make sure there's not anything wrong with your hips.
    I pop my back all the time like you mentioned but I don't have that pain so I'm not really sure how to help - I do get a feeling of being "tight" however (almost like cramps in my very lower back) and find that it's usually I need to pop my back and stretch. A back stretch usually helps me as well has hamstring and quad stretching. If you think it might be a matter of flexibility in your hips you can try a low lunge (google it).. hold that for about 30 seconds with your back knee on the ground then straighten the front leg and fold over it. You can also try the yoga pose "pigeon" which is supposed to open the hips when done correctly.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Has your Chiropractor ever checked for alignment of your pelvis? If not, perhaps a second opinion from either a spine specialist or well qualified physical therapist is in order.
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    2 potential problems. 1. you have something wrong. In that case as already suggested I would go have a dr. take a look at it. The other is you just have never worked your flexability for that joint properly. If you search the internet: Gold Meal Bodies (GMB) has a free flexibility resource guide (chapter 2 deals with hips). These guys train movement. Jarro the guy who produced the guide is one of the most flexible people I have ever seen. I took up marital arts at the age of 41, been doing it for 3 years now. My flexibility has increase a ton; using the principles he teaches. I also have a lot less joint pain; but that could also be the lack of my spare 50 lbs.

    Good luck!
  • Health_Temple
    I have no other problems with flexibility (for instance I can touch my thumb to my wrist or about mid forearm) but I will see another chiropractor, I met one at a booth at a fair like thing today and she told me there's a name for people who are extremely flexible like this naturally so it's harder to tell when I don't have as much movement (I know there's a problem but my current chiro just thinks my legs are different lengths) so she said (and this makes sense) that ONE of my hips are off and that's why one of my legs looks longer. This is also what causes my squat to look funny where one leg sticks out further. She (unlike my current chiro) told me not to build on top or I will be training it to stay that way! So no more lower body work outs for now!
  • McCrabby
    McCrabby Posts: 77 Member
    I've just been receiving treatment for a rotated hip, due to collapsing arches. The rotated hip caused one hip (and therefore my leg) to sit higher than the other, which was inflaming the bursa with all the running I was doing. I'm off running while getting chiropractic treatment, and waiting for orthotics, but I was given the go ahead to continue weightlifting.

    May I suggest a visit to either a podiatrist or better yet, a chiropractor that also specializes in podiatry? You might have an issue with your gate, which could be pushing your pelvis out of alignment.

    Good luck!
  • McCrabby
    McCrabby Posts: 77 Member
    One more thing....

    I found this http://whatsyourposture.com.au/posture-health/posture-problems/uneven-or-rotate-hips/ while trying to figure out why I was experiencing so much pain every time I ran longer than 2K. The "assess your posture" tool really made it easy to tell what was going on.
  • Health_Temple
    Oh awesome thank you! Yes I was told
    I'm not Running right by several people but no one can tell me how to run properly! Lol I guess
    It's one of those things you should learn when your a baby but doesn't work for everyone.
  • lbsNirvana
    lbsNirvana Posts: 18 Member
    I had a similar problem, but it was due to a sports injury/due to lack of stretching/warm ups...The pain lasted for over 3 months...I ended up with Physical Therapy, and during the initial visits, I wasn't getting any better and I was a non believer in PT...I continued to go, however, coz ,I am embarrassed to admit it, the therapist was hot...But by the 6th/7th visit, there was a noticeable difference and by the 10th, 11th session, I was totally fine...what felt like ordinary exercises, when done repeatedly and correctly, was pretty effective after all...