Calculating maximum heart rate

cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
Hi all, I have a question about calculating my maximum heart rate. I know the formula 220-age times 85%. My question is how does that number change when you are pretty fit. I work out a lot and have for years so my cardio fitness is pretty good and I'm pretty strong. I'm on here because I love to eat and unfortunately, as we age, we can no longer eat like we once did. Well, I didn't get that message until oops!! there's an extra 20 lbs. So, if I take the formula, my max HR would be 147. (220-47*85%) and that feels like NOTHING to me. So, how much should I adjust it? Just work to the level that feels hard to me? Any advice appreciated!


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I never heard about the times 85 percent part. Most sites just say 220 minus age....
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,430 Member
    When I do a spin class, the instructor gives us the profile of the ride and tells us the range for our target heart rate. It's occasionally supposed to hit 92% if we are doing intervals but usually you only want to go to 85%. That's where my question comes in. As I age, that number gets lower, but I would think it should be adjusted for your fitness level. I guess I'm really looking more for target heart rate rather than max.
  • nick1109
    nick1109 Posts: 174 Member
    Max heart rate is not a case of 220 minus age. This is a very rough guideline. To get your max heart rate you need to do a max hr test