90 plus days in and still don't know what I am missing!

blessedbirdie Posts: 41
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So I have been on a dr. ordered diet for over 90 days now with 35 lbs. lost. Getting lots of protein, some carbs and little other. 1400 calories and I feel full most of the time. I can't figure out what it is my body is wanting when I have times at night or even days at a time I feel like I just am not getting that satified feeling no matter what I eat.
I am not good at how to describe it. Not a specific craving where I could say chocolate or ice cream. Even before dieting I had this problem. Sometimes ice cream would help. Other times it was pizza. Could it be the fat? I don't crave salt but do get cravings for sugar at times. I would love to just feel satisfied when I eat. My food diary is open for anyone to look at.
Blood work is pretty good with only thyroid still being low.
Anyone have ideas? Thought about some flax oil although I do take a Omega 3. If it is fat what kind of good fat could I try?


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    When I feel like I'm just not quite getting what I want, I try to do something in which I cannot eat. Because more than likely, you're not actually missing anything if you're eating a balanced diet!

    Try when that feeling hits to get up and move. Sometimes, in the evenings when I'm watching tv and winding down before bed, I actually get up and walk in front of the tv. It's not much, it doesn't burn THAT many calories, but it keeps me focused on moving rather than wanting [enter craving here].

    Maybe that's all you need! :smile: and Congrats on such good weight loss so far!!
  • So I have been on a dr. ordered diet for over 90 days now with 35 lbs. lost. Getting lots of protein, some carbs and little other. 1400 calories and I feel full most of the time. I can't figure out what it is my body is wanting when I have times at night or even days at a time I feel like I just am not getting that satified feeling no matter what I eat.
    I am not good at how to describe it. Not a specific craving where I could say chocolate or ice cream. Even before dieting I had this problem. Sometimes ice cream would help. Other times it was pizza. Could it be the fat? I don't crave salt but do get cravings for sugar at times. I would love to just feel satisfied when I eat. My food diary is open for anyone to look at.
    Blood work is pretty good with only thyroid still being low.
    Anyone have ideas? Thought about some flax oil although I do take a Omega 3. If it is fat what kind of good fat could I try?

    My suggestion is to be sure that you are eating all your fat grams...fat and protein are what satisfy and I've found that focusing on those two help me maintain my 1200 calorie budget.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    I had that feeling last night - I call it my "munchie time". I try to get up and get busy doing something else, most of the times that helps. Anything from washing the floors to taking a walk around the yard. I just try to avoid putting any extra food in my mouth. If I do give in I find that crunchie fruit of some sorts helps. Like an apple or something. Even an ounce of dry roasted p-nuts if I have room in my calorie count for the day.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    You may want to start a journal. Often, these feeling of "not being satisfied" can be related to some emotions that are being processed. Taking note of who's around (or not) when you're having these feelings, what types of thoughts are going through your mind, what's coming up the next day or even what happened during your day. These are all things that will make you aware of why you are looking for food... Try it out for at least 3 weeks and I BET that you'll find a pattern...
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Congrats on you're weight loss so far!:flowerforyou:
    Try adding nuts to your diet- almonds, walnuts, pecans- use as a snack or add to salads.
    High in omegas and some protein- small amount (an ounce or less) goes a long way!
    good luck!!!
  • jngigi
    jngigi Posts: 1
    I was having the same problem you have and for a while I just didnt feel satisfied. I went to see my nutritionist/thyroid expert and sure enough my thyroid was the problem (low). She put me on a thyroid activator and some B Complex and in less than two days I felt Brand New.

    If your thyroid is not "awake" your body has no way of knowing when it is full or empty. You need a well functioning thyroid.
  • Sometimes to get rid of food cravings I'll have a tablespoon of salsa at about 10 calories a tablespoon. Also I have been looking for foods that make me feel fuller longer. I have a recipe for one of my favourites.

    Bean and Pepper burrito

    Heat a sauce pan to med and add
    4 tsp sundried tomatoes in olive oil
    90 cal
    1cup coarse chopped onion. 67 cal
    I clove fine chopped garlic. 4 cal
    Sauté until onion is soft
    2 cups coarse chopped bell pepper
    48 cal
    1 cup coarse chopped mushrooms
    15 cal
    Sauté and spice with salt, pepper, basil, oregano, parsley and dried chili pepper to taste.
    Crush and add
    1 can (398 mL) red kidney beans undrained. 334 cal
    Cook until thickened to desired consistency. Spoon approx half a cup onto a tortilla. Add shredded cheese, salsa, and sour cream to taste. Roll and enjoy.

    I estimate the recipe makes about 5 cups or ten servings at approximately 56 to 60 calories. I like to use an assortment of bell peppers (red, yellow, orange for example) for appearance appeal.

    All calorie counts are estimates. I did try to calculate pretty close but some of it is guess work.

    I look for flour tortillas that are lower cal. (Olafson's ensanada savoury flour tortillas-170 cal) and usually one is enough. I tend to go light on cheese, and not use sour cream but you would have to add those calories. Cheese is always hi calorie but if you grate it and use it sparingly you can get the taste without all the calories. I think it's the vegetable protien in the beans that is so filling. This works good as a dinner meal or as leftovers for lunches.

    Also, when I make a sandwich (toasted tomato is my favourite) I use Vegimite as a replacement for the flavour of meat protien like bacon. Just remember to spread it thin. Even though it looks like Nutella, it definitely isn't. Half a teaspoon on a slice of toast is more than enough.

    Hope this helps.
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